2024-10-07 02:08:54 -06:00
#include "OutputProcessor.h"
#include <fstream>
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#include <iomanip>
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#include <iostream>
2024-10-07 18:17:46 -06:00
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
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#include <vector>
OutputProcessor::OutputProcessor() {
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_fileOut = std::ofstream();
_allWords = std::vector<std::string>();
_uniqueWords = std::vector<std::string>();
_letterCounts = std::vector<unsigned int>(26, 0);
_wordCounts = std::vector<unsigned int>();
_totalLetterCount = 0;
_totalWordCount = 0;
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void OutputProcessor::analyzeWords(std::vector<std::string> allWords,
2024-10-07 18:17:46 -06:00
std::string punctuation) {
// Iterate over all words, processing incrementally
for (size_t wordIdx = 0; wordIdx < allWords.size(); wordIdx++) {
std::string &word = allWords.at(wordIdx);
// Remove punctuation from word
size_t punctuationIdx = 0;
while ((punctuationIdx = word.find_first_of(punctuation)) !=
std::string::npos) {
word.erase(punctuationIdx, 1);
// Save word internally
// Check all unique words for a match, and if so increment the count
bool foundUnique = false;
size_t uniqueWordIdx;
for (uniqueWordIdx = 0; uniqueWordIdx < _uniqueWords.size();
uniqueWordIdx++) {
if (_uniqueWords.at(uniqueWordIdx) == word) {
foundUnique = true;
// If no unique word exists, add it to both vectors
if (!foundUnique) {
} else {
// Add letter count for each letter in the word
for (size_t letterIdx = 0; letterIdx < word.length(); letterIdx++) {
char letter = word.at(letterIdx);
// Normalize to uppercase
if (letter >= 'a' && letter <= 'z') {
letter -= 32;
// Subtracting an uppercase letter by 65 creates its alphabetical
// index
letter -= 65;
// Sum total letter count
_totalLetterCount += word.length();
// Increment total word count
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bool OutputProcessor::openStream() {
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std::string file;
std::cout << "What is the name of the file you would like to write to? ";
std::cin >> file;
if (std::cin.fail()) {
std::cerr << "Invalid file input" << std::endl;
return false;
if (_fileOut.fail()) {
std::cerr << "Unable to open file, does it exist?" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
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void OutputProcessor::closeStream() { _fileOut.close(); }
void OutputProcessor::write() {
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// Calculate longest word length, longest number length, most common word,
// and least common word for later use in one pass for efficiency
size_t longestWordLength = 0;
std::string *mostCommonWord = &_uniqueWords.at(0);
unsigned long mostCommonWordOccurrences = _wordCounts.at(0);
std::string *leastCommonWord = &_uniqueWords.at(0);
unsigned long leastCommonWordOccurrences = _wordCounts.at(0);
for (size_t uniqueWordIdx = 0; uniqueWordIdx < _uniqueWords.size();
uniqueWordIdx++) {
std::string &uniqueWord = _uniqueWords.at(uniqueWordIdx);
unsigned long wordCount = _wordCounts.at(uniqueWordIdx);
if (uniqueWord.length() > longestWordLength) {
longestWordLength = uniqueWord.length();
// Equality can be ignored here because we want the word that was
// encountered first, so any subsequent extremes can be ignored
if (wordCount < leastCommonWordOccurrences) {
leastCommonWordOccurrences = wordCount;
leastCommonWord = &uniqueWord;
} else {
if (wordCount > mostCommonWordOccurrences) {
mostCommonWordOccurrences = wordCount;
mostCommonWord = &uniqueWord;
size_t longestWordLengthDigits = std::to_string(longestWordLength).length();
_fileOut << "Read in " << _totalWordCount << " words" << std::endl;
_fileOut << "Encountered " << _uniqueWords.size() << " unique words"
<< std::endl;
// Print out each unique word and how often it happened
for (size_t uniqueWordIdx = 0; uniqueWordIdx < _uniqueWords.size();
uniqueWordIdx++) {
_fileOut << std::setw(longestWordLength) << std::left
<< _uniqueWords.at(uniqueWordIdx) << std::right << " : "
<< std::setw(longestWordLengthDigits + 1)
<< _wordCounts.at(uniqueWordIdx) << std::endl;
// Print the most and least common word
size_t longerFrequentWordLength =
mostCommonWord->length() > leastCommonWord->length()
? mostCommonWord->length()
: leastCommonWord->length();
size_t mostCommonWordOccurrencesDigits =
_fileOut << " Most Frequent Word: " << std::setw(longerFrequentWordLength)
<< std::left << *mostCommonWord << " "
<< std::setw(mostCommonWordOccurrencesDigits) << std::right
<< mostCommonWordOccurrences << std::endl;
// Calculate the most and least common letters to display, along with their
// occurrences for formatting purposes
char mostCommonLetter = 'A';
unsigned long mostCommonLetterOccurrences = _letterCounts.at(0);
char leastCommonLetter = 'A';
unsigned long leastCommonLetterOccurrences = _letterCounts.at(0);
for (size_t letterIdx = 0; letterIdx < 26; letterIdx++) {
// Here not using "or equals" means the letters later alphabetically get
// ignored if they occur the same amount
if (_letterCounts.at(letterIdx) <
_letterCounts.at(leastCommonLetter - 65)) {
leastCommonLetter = letterIdx + 65;
leastCommonLetterOccurrences = _letterCounts.at(letterIdx);
} else {
if (_letterCounts.at(letterIdx) >
_letterCounts.at(mostCommonLetter - 65)) {
mostCommonLetter = letterIdx + 65;
mostCommonLetterOccurrences = _letterCounts.at(letterIdx);
// Print out each letter along with the amount of times it occurs
size_t mostCommonLetterOccurrencesDigits =
for (size_t letterIdx = 0; letterIdx < 26; letterIdx++) {
_fileOut << (char)(letterIdx + 65) << ": "
<< std::setw(mostCommonLetterOccurrencesDigits) << std::right
<< _letterCounts.at(letterIdx) << std::endl;
// Print out the most and least common letters in total
_fileOut << " Most Frequent Letter: " << mostCommonLetter << " "
<< mostCommonLetterOccurrences << " (" << std::setw(7)
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< ((float)mostCommonLetterOccurrences / _totalLetterCount * 100)
<< "%)" << std::endl;
_fileOut << "Least Frequent Letter: " << leastCommonLetter << " "
<< std::setw(mostCommonLetterOccurrencesDigits) << std::right
<< leastCommonLetterOccurrences << " (" << std::setw(7)
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< ((float)leastCommonLetterOccurrences / _totalLetterCount * 100)
<< "%)" << std::endl;
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