diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0d4cdba..b54ed75 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ SRC_FILES = main.cpp InputProcessor.cpp OutputProcessor.cpp
 ## Adds only the necessary files for build into a .tar.gz file, named appropriately
 ARCHIVED_FILES = Makefile $(SRC_FILES) $(SRC_FILES:.cpp=.h) $(SRC_FILES:.cpp=.hpp)
 pack: fmtc
-	tar --ignore-failed-read -czvf $(TARGET).tar.gz $(shell echo $(ARCHIVED_FILES) | xargs ls -d 2>/dev/null)
+	tar --ignore-failed-read -czvf $(TARGET).tar.gz {In,Out}putProcessor.{cpp,h}
 ## Runs the pack target and then attempts to build & run the program to make sure it functions correctly
 pack-test: pack
diff --git a/OutputProcessor.cpp b/OutputProcessor.cpp
index 1952b87..0996a28 100644
--- a/OutputProcessor.cpp
+++ b/OutputProcessor.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
  * @author Tyler Beckman (tyler_beckman@mines.edu)
- * @brief A3 - A program to parse a text input and analyze it for statistics based on
- * word and letter frequency, and then output them to a user-specified file. It
- * assumes text is only alphabetical + spaces + the punctuation contained within
- * main.cpp. In addition, the list of word counts is sorted using a recursive
- * MSD radix sort before being outputted into the specified file.
+ * @brief A3 - A program to parse a text input and analyze it for statistics
+ * based on word and letter frequency, and then output them to a user-specified
+ * file. It assumes text is only alphabetical + spaces + the punctuation
+ * contained within main.cpp. In addition, the list of word counts is sorted
+ * using a recursive MSD radix sort before being outputted into the specified
+ * file.
  * @version 1
  * @date 2024-10-10