# Tyler's personal code-style formatting file, make sure to use the class version before turning in IndentWidth: 4 UseTab: Always TabWidth: 4 InsertBraces: false SortIncludes: true IncludeBlocks: Regroup IncludeCategories: # System headers from C (hardcoded, it isn't really possible to automatically detect them with regex) - Regex: '' Priority: 3 # System headers without extension. - Regex: '<([A-Za-z0-9\Q/-_\E])+>' Priority: 2 # Local headers with extension. - Regex: '"([A-Za-z0-9\Q/-_\E])+\.h(pp)?"' Priority: 1 BraceWrapping: AfterCaseLabel: false AfterClass: false AfterControlStatement: Never AfterEnum: false AfterFunction: false AfterNamespace: false AfterObjCDeclaration: false AfterStruct: false AfterUnion: false AfterExternBlock: false BeforeCatch: false BeforeElse: false BeforeLambdaBody: false BeforeWhile: false SplitEmptyFunction: false SplitEmptyRecord: false SplitEmptyNamespace: false IndentCaseLabels: true IntegerLiteralSeparator: Binary: 0 Decimal: 3 Hex: -1 DerivePointerAlignment: false PointerAlignment: Right QualifierAlignment: Left