#include "string_functions.h" using namespace std; unsigned long string_length(const string STR) { unsigned long result = -1; result = STR.length(); // set result to the length of the string return result; } char string_char_at(const string STR, const int IDX) { char result = '\0'; result = STR.at(IDX); return result; } string string_append(const string LEFT, const string RIGHT) { string result = LEFT; result = LEFT + RIGHT; return result; } string string_insert(const string STR, const string TO_INSERT, const int IDX) { string result = STR; result.insert(IDX, TO_INSERT); return result; } size_t string_find(const string STR, const char C) { size_t result = 0; result = STR.find_first_of(C); return result; } string string_substring(const string STR, const int IDX, const int LEN) { string result = STR; result = STR.substr(IDX, LEN); return result; } string string_replace(const string STR, const string TEXT_TO_REPLACE, const string REPLACE_WITH) { string result = STR; auto index = STR.find(TEXT_TO_REPLACE); if (index != -1ul) { result.replace(STR.find(TEXT_TO_REPLACE), TEXT_TO_REPLACE.length(), REPLACE_WITH); } return result; } string string_first_word(const string STR) { string result = STR; result = STR.substr(0, STR.find_first_of(' ')); return result; } string string_remove_first_word(const string STR) { string result = STR; if (STR.find_first_of(' ') != -1ul) { result = STR.substr(STR.find_first_of(' ') + 1, STR.length() - 1); } else { result = ""; } return result; } string string_second_word(const string STR) { string result = STR; result = string_remove_first_word(STR); result = string_first_word(result); return result; } string string_third_word(const string STR) { string result = STR; result = string_remove_first_word(STR); result = string_remove_first_word(result); result = string_first_word(result); return result; } string string_nth_word(const string STR, const int N) { string result = STR; for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { result = string_remove_first_word(result); } result = string_first_word(result); return result; } vector string_tokenize(const string STR, const char DELIMINATOR) { vector result; result = {""}; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < STR.length(); i++) { if (STR[i] == DELIMINATOR) { result.push_back(""); continue; } result[result.size() - 1] += STR[i]; } return result; } string string_substitute(const string STR, const char TARGET, const char REPLACEMENT) { string result = STR; while (result.find(TARGET) != -1ul) { result[result.find(TARGET)] = REPLACEMENT; } return result; } string string_to_lower(const string STR) { string result = STR; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < STR.length(); i++) { char newChar = STR[i]; if (newChar >= 'A' && newChar <= 'Z') { newChar = (char)(newChar + 32); } result[i] = newChar; } return result; } string string_to_upper(const string STR) { string result = STR; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < STR.length(); i++) { char newChar = STR[i]; if (newChar >= 'a' && newChar <= 'z') { newChar = (char)(newChar - 32); } result[i] = newChar; } return result; } int string_compare(const string LHS, const string RHS) { int result = 0; if (LHS > RHS) { result = 1; } else { if (LHS < RHS) { result = -1; } } return result; }