extends ../templates/base.pug block js script(type='application/javascript' src='/static/scripts.js' charset='utf-8') block content section.narrow h1 Profile URL form#form-util-profile-url(method='post') p This tool generates an URL for your Keyoxide profile page. h3 Public key label(for='source') Source: select#source.source(name='source') option(value='wkd') Web Key Directory option(value='hkp') keys.openpgp.org option(value='keybase') Keybase br input#input(type='text' name='input' placeholder='Input' value='') h3 Profile URL pre code#output Waiting for input... h3 Help p | When using the strong Web Key Directory | source, the strong Input | looks like strong username@domain.org | . p | When using the strong keys.openpgp.org | source, the strong Input | is either the strong fingerprint | of your public key, or the main identity's strong email address | . p | When using the strong Keybase | source, the strong Input | is the URL obtained by going to your Keybase profile page, clicking on the strong key id | of your keypair and copying the URL of the strong this key | link.