/* Copyright (C) 2020 Yarmo Mackenbach This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the specific requirements. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ async function verifySignature(opts) { // Init const elRes = document.body.querySelector("#result"); const elResContent = document.body.querySelector("#resultContent"); let keyData, feedback, signature, verified, valid; // Reset feedback elRes.innerHTML = ""; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.remove('red'); elResContent.innerHTML = ""; try { // Get key data keyData = await fetchKeys(opts); // Handle missing signature if (opts.signature == null) { throw("No signature was provided."); } // Try two different methods of signature reading let readError = null; try { signature = await openpgp.message.readArmored(opts.signature); } catch(e) { readError = e; } try { signature = await openpgp.cleartext.readArmored(opts.signature); } catch(e) { readError = e; } if (signature == null) { throw(readError) }; // Verify the signature verified = await openpgp.verify({ message: signature, publicKeys: keyData.publicKey }); valid = verified.signatures[0].valid; } catch (e) { console.error(e); elRes.innerHTML = e; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.add('red'); return; } // Init feedback to empty string feedback = ''; // If content was extracted from signature if (keyData.sigContent) { elResContent.innerHTML = "<strong>Signature content:</strong><br><span style=\"white-space: pre-line\">"+sigContent+"</span>"; } // Provide different feedback depending on key input mode if (opts.mode == "signature" && keyData.sigUserId) { if (valid) { feedback += "The message was signed by the userId extracted from the signature.<br>"; feedback += 'UserId: '+keyData.sigUserId+'<br>'; feedback += "Fingerprint: "+keyData.fingerprint+"<br>"; elRes.classList.remove('red'); elRes.classList.add('green'); } else { feedback += "The message's signature COULD NOT BE verified using the userId extracted from the signature.<br>"; feedback += 'UserId: '+keyData.sigUserId+'<br>'; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.add('red'); } } else if (opts.mode == "signature" && keyData.sigKeyId) { if (valid) { feedback += "The message was signed by the keyId extracted from the signature.<br>"; feedback += 'KeyID: '+keyData.sigKeyId+'<br>'; feedback += "Fingerprint: "+keyData.fingerprint+"<br><br>"; feedback += "!!! You should manually verify the fingerprint to confirm the signer's identity !!!"; elRes.classList.remove('red'); elRes.classList.add('green'); } else { feedback += "The message's signature COULD NOT BE verified using the keyId extracted from the signature.<br>"; feedback += 'KeyID: '+keyData.sigKeyId+'<br>'; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.add('red'); } } else { if (valid) { feedback += "The message was signed by the provided key ("+opts.mode+").<br>"; feedback += "Fingerprint: "+keyData.fingerprint+"<br>"; elRes.classList.remove('red'); elRes.classList.add('green'); } else { feedback += "The message's signature COULD NOT BE verified using the provided key ("+opts.mode+").<br>"; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.add('red'); } } // Display feedback elRes.innerHTML = feedback; }; async function encryptMessage(opts) { // Init const elEnc = document.body.querySelector("#message"); const elRes = document.body.querySelector("#result"); const elBtn = document.body.querySelector("[name='submit']"); let keyData, feedback, message, encrypted; // Reset feedback elRes.innerHTML = ""; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.remove('red'); try { // Get key data keyData = await fetchKeys(opts); // Handle missing message if (opts.message == null) { throw("No message was provided."); } // Encrypt the message encrypted = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: openpgp.message.fromText(opts.message), publicKeys: keyData.publicKey }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); elRes.innerHTML = e; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.add('red'); return; } // Display encrypted data elEnc.value = encrypted.data; elEnc.toggleAttribute("readonly"); elBtn.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); }; async function verifyProofs(opts) { // Init const elRes = document.body.querySelector("#result"); let keyData, feedback = "", message, encrypted; // Reset feedback elRes.innerHTML = ""; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.remove('red'); try { // Get key data keyData = await fetchKeys(opts); } catch (e) { console.error(e); elRes.innerHTML = e; elRes.classList.remove('green'); elRes.classList.add('red'); return; } let notations = [], notationsRaw = []; for (var i = 0; i < keyData.publicKey.users.length; i++) { notationsRaw = notationsRaw.concat(keyData.publicKey.users[i].selfCertifications[0].notations); } notationsRaw.forEach((item, i) => { if (item[0] == "proof@metacode.biz") { notations.push(item[1]); } }); notations = Array.from(new Set(notations)); // Deduplicate (ES6) // Display feedback elRes.innerHTML = "Verifying proofs…"; let notation, isVerified, verifications = []; for (var i = 0; i < notations.length; i++) { notation = notations[i]; verifications.push(await verifyProof(notation, keyData.fingerprint)); } // One-line sorting function (order verifications by type) verifications = verifications.sort((a,b) => (a.type > b.type) ? 1 : ((b.type > a.type) ? -1 : 0)); // Generate feedback feedback += `<p>`; for (var i = 0; i < verifications.length; i++) { if (verifications[i].type == null) { continue; } feedback += `${verifications[i].type}: `; feedback += `<a class="proofDisplay" href="${verifications[i].url}" rel="me">${verifications[i].display}</a>`; if (verifications[i].isVerified) { feedback += `<a class="proofUrl proofUrl--verified" href="${verifications[i].proofUrl}">verified ✔</a>`; } else { feedback += `<a class="proofUrl" href="${verifications[i].proofUrl}">unverified</a>`; } feedback += `<br>`; } feedback += `</p>`; // Display feedback elRes.innerHTML = feedback; } async function displayProfile(opts) { let keyData, keyLink, feedback = "", notation, isVerified, verifications = []; let icon_qr = '<svg style="width:24px;height:24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="#ffffff" d="M3,11H5V13H3V11M11,5H13V9H11V5M9,11H13V15H11V13H9V11M15,11H17V13H19V11H21V13H19V15H21V19H19V21H17V19H13V21H11V17H15V15H17V13H15V11M19,19V15H17V19H19M15,3H21V9H15V3M17,5V7H19V5H17M3,3H9V9H3V3M5,5V7H7V5H5M3,15H9V21H3V15M5,17V19H7V17H5Z" /></svg>'; try { keyData = await fetchKeys(opts); } catch (e) { feedback += `<p>There was a problem fetching the keys.</p>`; feedback += `<code>${e}</code>`; document.body.querySelector('#profileData').innerHTML = feedback; document.body.querySelector('#profileName').innerHTML = "Could not load profile"; return; } let userData = keyData.user.user.userId; let userName = userData.name ? userData.name : userData.email; let userMail = userData.email ? userData.email : null; let notations = [], notationsRaw = []; for (var i = 0; i < keyData.publicKey.users.length; i++) { notationsRaw = notationsRaw.concat(keyData.publicKey.users[i].selfCertifications[0].notations); } notationsRaw.forEach((item, i) => { if (item[0] == "proof@metacode.biz") { notations.push(item[1]); } }); notations = Array.from(new Set(notations)); // Deduplicate (ES6) // Determine WKD or HKP link switch (opts.mode) { case "wkd": const [, localPart, domain] = /(.*)@(.*)/.exec(opts.input); const localEncoded = await computeWKDLocalPart(localPart.toLowerCase()); const urlAdvanced = `https://openpgpkey.${domain}/.well-known/openpgpkey/${domain}/hu/${localEncoded}`; const urlDirect = `https://${domain}/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/${localEncoded}`; try { keyLink = await fetch(urlAdvanced).then(function(response) { if (response.status === 200) { return urlAdvanced; } }); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } if (!keyLink) { try { keyLink = await fetch(urlDirect).then(function(response) { if (response.status === 200) { return urlDirect; } }); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } if (!keyLink) { keyLink = `https://keys.openpgp.org/pks/lookup?op=get&options=mr&search=0x${keyData.fingerprint}`; } break; case "hkp": keyLink = `https://keys.openpgp.org/pks/lookup?op=get&options=mr&search=0x${keyData.fingerprint}`; break; case "keybase": keyLink = opts.keyLink; break; } // Fill in various data document.body.querySelector('#profileName').innerHTML = userName; document.body.querySelector('#profileAvatar').style = ""; const profileHash = openpgp.util.str_to_hex(openpgp.util.Uint8Array_to_str(await openpgp.crypto.hash.md5(openpgp.util.str_to_Uint8Array(userData.email)))); document.body.querySelector('#profileAvatar').src = `https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/${profileHash}?s=128&d=mm`; document.title = `${userName} - Keyoxide`; // Generate feedback feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem profileDataItem--separator profileDataItem--noLabel">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label"></div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value">general information</div>`; feedback += `</div>`; if (userMail) { feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label">primary email</div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value"><a href="mailto:${userMail}">${userMail}</a></div>`; feedback += `</div>`; } for (var i = 0; i < keyData.publicKey.users.length; i++) { if (keyData.publicKey.users[i].userId && 'email' in keyData.publicKey.users[i].userId && keyData.publicKey.users[i].userId.email && keyData.publicKey.users[i].revocationSignatures.length == 0 && keyData.publicKey.users[i].userId.email != userMail) { feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label">email</div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value"><a href="mailto:${keyData.publicKey.users[i].userId.email}">${keyData.publicKey.users[i].userId.email}</a></div>`; feedback += `</div>`; } } feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label">fingerprint</div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value"><a href="${keyLink}">${keyData.fingerprint}</a>`; if (opts.mode == "hkp") { feedback += `<a class="proofQR green" href="/util/qr/${encodeURIComponent(`OPENPGP4FPR:${keyData.fingerprint.toUpperCase()}`)}" target="_blank" title="QR Code">${icon_qr}</a>`; } feedback += `</div></div>`; // if (opts.mode == "hkp") { // feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem">`; // feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label">qrcode</div>`; // feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value"><a class="green" href="/util/qr/${encodeURIComponent(`OPENPGP4FPR:${keyData.fingerprint.toUpperCase()}`)}" target="_blank">fingerprint</a></div>`; // feedback += `</div>`; // } if (notations.length > 0) { feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem profileDataItem--separator profileDataItem--noLabel">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label"></div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value">proofs</div>`; feedback += `</div>`; feedback += `<div id="profileProofs">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem profileDataItem--noLabel">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label"></div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value">Verifying proofs…</div>`; feedback += `</div>`; feedback += `</div>`; } feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem profileDataItem--separator profileDataItem--noLabel">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label"></div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value">actions</div>`; feedback += `</div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem profileDataItem--noLabel">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label"></div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value"><a href="/verify/${opts.mode}/${opts.input}">verify signature</a></div>`; feedback += `</div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem profileDataItem--noLabel">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label"></div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value"><a href="/encrypt/${opts.mode}/${opts.input}">encrypt message</a></div>`; feedback += `</div>`; // Display feedback document.body.querySelector('#profileData').innerHTML = feedback; // Exit if no notations are available if (notations.length == 0) { return; } // Verify identity proofs let proofResult; for (var i = 0; i < notations.length; i++) { notation = notations[i]; proofResult = await verifyProof(notation, keyData.fingerprint); if (!proofResult || !proofResult.display) { continue; } verifications.push(proofResult); } // One-line sorting function (order verifications by type) verifications = verifications.sort((a,b) => (a.type > b.type) ? 1 : ((b.type > a.type) ? -1 : 0)); feedback = ""; if (verifications.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < verifications.length; i++) { if (!verifications[i].type) { continue; } feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label">${verifications[i].type}</div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value">`; feedback += `<a class="proofDisplay" href="${verifications[i].url}" rel="me">${verifications[i].display}</a>`; if (verifications[i].isVerified) { feedback += `<a class="proofUrl proofUrl--verified" href="${verifications[i].proofUrl}">verified ✔</a>`; } else { feedback += `<a class="proofUrl" href="${verifications[i].proofUrl}">unverified</a>`; } if (verifications[i].isVerified && verifications[i].qr) { feedback += `<a class="proofQR green" href="/util/qr/${encodeURIComponent(verifications[i].qr)}" target="_blank" title="QR Code">${icon_qr}</a>`; } feedback += `</div>`; feedback += `</div>`; } } else { feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem profileDataItem--noLabel">`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__label"></div>`; feedback += `<div class="profileDataItem__value">No proofs found in key</div>`; feedback += `</div>`; } // Display feedback document.body.querySelector('#profileProofs').innerHTML = feedback; } async function verifyProof(url, fingerprint) { // Init let reVerify, match, output = {url: url, type: null, proofUrl: url, proofUrlFetch: null, isVerified: false, display: null, qr: null}; // DNS if (/^dns:/.test(url)) { output.type = "domain"; output.display = url.replace(/dns:/, '').replace(/\?type=TXT/, ''); output.proofUrl = `https://dns.shivering-isles.com/dns-query?name=${output.display}&type=TXT`; output.proofUrlFetch = output.proofUrl; output.url = `https://${output.display}`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch, { headers: { Accept: 'application/json' }, credentials: 'omit' }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); reVerify = new RegExp(`openpgp4fpr:${fingerprint}`, 'i'); json.Answer.forEach((item, i) => { if (reVerify.test(item.data)) { output.isVerified = true; } }); } catch (e) { } finally { return output; } } // XMPP if (/^xmpp:/.test(url)) { output.type = "xmpp"; match = url.match(/xmpp:([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]*)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]*)(?:\?(.*))?/); output.display = `${match[1]}@${match[2]}`; output.proofUrl = `https://PLACEHOLDER__XMPP_VCARD_SERVER_DOMAIN/api/vcard/${output.display}/DESC`; output.qr = url; try { response = await fetchWithTimeout(output.proofUrl); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); reVerify = new RegExp(`[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:${fingerprint}]`, 'i'); if (reVerify.test(json)) { output.isVerified = true; } } catch (e) { } finally { return output; } } // Twitter if (/^https:\/\/twitter.com/.test(url)) { output.type = "twitter"; match = url.match(/https:\/\/twitter\.com\/(.*)\/status\/(.*)/); output.display = `@${match[1]}`; output.url = `https://twitter.com/${match[1]}`; output.proofUrlFetch = `/server/verify/twitter ?tweetId=${encodeURIComponent(match[2])} &fingerprint=${fingerprint}`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); output.isVerified = json.isVerified; } catch (e) { } finally { return output; } } // HN if (/^https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com/.test(url)) { output.type = "hackernews"; match = url.match(/https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/user\?id=(.*)/); output.display = match[1]; output.proofUrl = `https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/user/${match[1]}.json`; output.proofUrlFetch = output.proofUrl; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch, { headers: { Accept: 'application/json' }, credentials: 'omit' }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); reVerify = new RegExp(`openpgp4fpr:${fingerprint}`, 'i'); if (reVerify.test(json.about)) { output.isVerified = true; } } catch (e) { } if (!output.isVerified) { output.proofUrlFetch = `/server/verify/proxy ?url=${encodeURIComponent(output.proofUrl)} &fingerprint=${fingerprint} &checkRelation=contains &checkPath=about &checkClaimFormat=message`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); output.isVerified = json.verified; } catch (e) { } } return output; } // dev.to if (/^https:\/\/dev\.to\//.test(url)) { output.type = "dev.to"; match = url.match(/https:\/\/dev\.to\/(.*)\/(.*)/); output.display = match[1]; output.url = `https://dev.to/${match[1]}`; output.proofUrlFetch = `https://dev.to/api/articles/${match[1]}/${match[2]}`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); reVerify = new RegExp(`[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:${fingerprint}]`, 'i'); if (reVerify.test(json.body_markdown)) { output.isVerified = true; } } catch (e) { } finally { return output; } } // Reddit if (/^https:\/\/(?:www\.)?reddit\.com\/user/.test(url)) { output.type = "reddit"; match = url.match(/https:\/\/(?:www\.)?reddit\.com\/user\/(.*)\/comments\/(.*)\/(.*)\//); output.display = match[1]; output.url = `https://www.reddit.com/user/${match[1]}`; output.proofUrl = `https://www.reddit.com/user/${match[1]}/comments/${match[2]}.json`; output.proofUrlFetch = `/server/verify/proxy ?url=${encodeURIComponent(output.proofUrl)} &fingerprint=${fingerprint} &checkRelation=contains &checkPath=data,children,data,selftext &checkClaimFormat=message`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); output.isVerified = json.isVerified; } catch (e) { } finally { return output; } } // Github if (/^https:\/\/gist.github.com/.test(url)) { output.type = "github"; match = url.match(/https:\/\/gist.github.com\/(.*)\/(.*)/); output.display = match[1]; output.url = `https://github.com/${match[1]}`; output.proofUrlFetch = `https://api.github.com/gists/${match[2]}`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch, { headers: { Accept: 'application/json' }, credentials: 'omit' }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); reVerify = new RegExp(`[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:${fingerprint}]`, 'i'); if (reVerify.test(json.files["openpgp.md"].content)) { output.isVerified = true; } } catch (e) { } finally { return output; } } // Lobsters if (/^https:\/\/lobste.rs/.test(url)) { output.type = "lobsters"; match = url.match(/https:\/\/lobste.rs\/u\/(.*)/); output.display = match[1]; output.proofUrl = `https://lobste.rs/u/${match[1]}.json`; output.proofUrlFetch = `/server/verify/proxy ?url=${encodeURIComponent(output.proofUrl)} &fingerprint=${fingerprint} &checkRelation=contains &checkPath=about &checkClaimFormat=message`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); output.isVerified = json.isVerified; } catch (e) { } finally { return output; } } // Catchall // Fediverse try { response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Accept: 'application/json' }, credentials: 'omit' }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); if ('attachment' in json) { match = url.match(/https:\/\/(.*)\/@(.*)/); json.attachment.forEach((item, i) => { if (item.value.toUpperCase() === fingerprint.toUpperCase()) { output.type = "fediverse"; output.display = `@${json.preferredUsername}@${[match[1]]}`; output.proofUrlFetch = json.url; output.isVerified = true; } }); } if (!output.type && 'summary' in json) { match = url.match(/https:\/\/(.*)\/users\/(.*)/); reVerify = new RegExp(`[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:${fingerprint}]`, 'i'); if (reVerify.test(json.summary)) { output.type = "fediverse"; output.display = `@${json.preferredUsername}@${[match[1]]}`; output.proofUrlFetch = json.url; output.isVerified = true; } } if (output.type) { return output; } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } // Discourse try { match = url.match(/https:\/\/(.*)\/u\/(.*)/); output.proofUrl = `${url}.json`; output.proofUrlFetch = `/server/verify/proxy ?url=${encodeURIComponent(output.proofUrl)} &fingerprint=${fingerprint} &checkRelation=contains &checkPath=user,bio_raw &checkClaimFormat=message`; try { response = await fetch(output.proofUrlFetch); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Response failed: ' + response.status); } json = await response.json(); if (json.isVerified) { output.type = "discourse"; output.display = `${match[2]}@${match[1]}`; output.isVerified = json.isVerified; return output; } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } // Return output without confirmed proof return output; } async function fetchKeys(opts) { // Init let lookupOpts, wkd, hkd, sig, lastPrimarySig; let output = { publicKey: null, user: null, notations: null, sigKeyId: null, sigUserId: null, sigContent: null }; // Autodetect mode if (opts.mode == "auto") { if (/.*@.*\..*/.test(opts.input)) { opts.mode = "wkd"; } else { opts.mode = "hkp"; } } // Fetch keys depending on the input mode switch (opts.mode) { case "plaintext": output.publicKey = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(opts.input)).keys[0]; if (!output.publicKey) { throw("Error: No public keys could be fetched from the plaintext input."); } break; case "wkd": wkd = new openpgp.WKD(); lookupOpts = { email: opts.input }; output.publicKey = (await wkd.lookup(lookupOpts)).keys[0]; if (!output.publicKey) { throw("Error: No public keys could be fetched using WKD."); } break; case "hkp": if (!opts.server) {opts.server = "https://keys.openpgp.org/"}; hkp = new openpgp.HKP(opts.server); lookupOpts = { query: opts.input }; output.publicKey = await hkp.lookup(lookupOpts); output.publicKey = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(output.publicKey)).keys[0]; if (!output.publicKey) { throw("Error: No public keys could be fetched from the HKP server."); } break; case "keybase": opts.keyLink = `https://keybase.io/${opts.username}/pgp_keys.asc?fingerprint=${opts.fingerprint}`; opts.input = `${opts.username}/${opts.fingerprint}`; try { opts.plaintext = await fetch(opts.keyLink).then(function(response) { if (response.status === 200) { return response; } }) .then(response => response.text()); } catch (e) { throw(`Error: No public keys could be fetched from the Keybase account (${e}).`); } output.publicKey = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(opts.plaintext)).keys[0]; if (!output.publicKey) { throw("Error: No public keys could be read from the Keybase account."); } break; case "signature": sig = (await openpgp.signature.readArmored(opts.signature)); if ('compressed' in sig.packets[0]) { sig = sig.packets[0]; output.sigContent = (await openpgp.stream.readToEnd(await sig.packets[1].getText())); }; output.sigUserId = sig.packets[0].signersUserId; output.sigKeyId = (await sig.packets[0].issuerKeyId.toHex()); if (!opts.server) {opts.server = "https://keys.openpgp.org/"}; hkp = new openpgp.HKP(opts.server); lookupOpts = { query: output.sigUserId ? output.sigUserId : output.sigKeyId }; output.publicKey = await hkp.lookup(lookupOpts); output.publicKey = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(output.publicKey)).keys[0]; if (!output.publicKey) { throw("Error: No public keys could be extracted from the signature."); } break; } // Gather more data about the primary key and user output.fingerprint = await output.publicKey.primaryKey.getFingerprint(); output.user = await output.publicKey.getPrimaryUser(); lastPrimarySig = output.user.selfCertification; output.notations = lastPrimarySig.notations || []; return output; } function encodeZBase32(data) { // Source: https://github.com/openpgpjs/openpgpjs/blob/master/src/util.js if (data.length === 0) { return ""; } const ALPHABET = "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769"; const SHIFT = 5; const MASK = 31; let buffer = data[0]; let index = 1; let bitsLeft = 8; let result = ''; while (bitsLeft > 0 || index < data.length) { if (bitsLeft < SHIFT) { if (index < data.length) { buffer <<= 8; buffer |= data[index++] & 0xff; bitsLeft += 8; } else { const pad = SHIFT - bitsLeft; buffer <<= pad; bitsLeft += pad; } } bitsLeft -= SHIFT; result += ALPHABET[MASK & (buffer >> bitsLeft)]; } return result; } async function computeWKDLocalPart(message) { const data = openpgp.util.str_to_Uint8Array(message); const hash = await openpgp.crypto.hash.sha1(data); return openpgp.util.encodeZBase32(hash); } async function generateProfileURL(data) { let hostname = window.location.hostname; if (data.input == "") { return "Waiting for input..."; } switch (data.source) { case "wkd": return `https://${hostname}/${data.input}`; break; case "hkp": if (/.*@.*\..*/.test(data.input)) { return `https://${hostname}/hkp/${data.input}`; } else { return `https://${hostname}/${data.input}`; } break; case "keybase": const re = /https\:\/\/keybase.io\/(.*)\/pgp_keys\.asc\?fingerprint\=(.*)/; if (!re.test(data.input)) { return "Incorrect Keybase public key URL."; } const match = data.input.match(re); return `https://${hostname}/keybase/${match[1]}/${match[2]}`; break; } } async function fetchWithTimeout(url, timeout = 3000) { return Promise.race([ fetch(url), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('timeout')), timeout) ) ]); } // General purpose let elFormVerify = document.body.querySelector("#form-verify"), elFormEncrypt = document.body.querySelector("#form-encrypt"), elFormProofs = document.body.querySelector("#form-proofs"), elProfileUid = document.body.querySelector("#profileUid"), elProfileMode = document.body.querySelector("#profileMode"), elModeSelect = document.body.querySelector("#modeSelect"), elUtilWKD = document.body.querySelector("#form-util-wkd"), elUtilQRFP = document.body.querySelector("#form-util-qrfp"), elUtilQR = document.body.querySelector("#form-util-qr"), elUtilProfileURL = document.body.querySelector("#form-util-profile-url"); if (elModeSelect) { elModeSelect.onchange = function (evt) { let elAllModes = document.body.querySelectorAll('.modes'); elAllModes.forEach(function(el) { el.classList.remove('modes--visible'); }); document.body.querySelector(`.modes--${elModeSelect.value}`).classList.add('modes--visible'); } elModeSelect.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); } if (elFormVerify) { elFormVerify.onsubmit = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); let opts = { signature: null, mode: null, input: null, server: null, }; opts.signature = document.body.querySelector("#signature").value; opts.mode = document.body.querySelector("#modeSelect").value; switch (opts.mode) { default: case "auto": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#auto_input").value; break; case "wkd": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#wkd_input").value; break; case "hkp": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#hkp_input").value; opts.server = document.body.querySelector("#hkp_server").value; break; case "plaintext": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#plaintext_input").value; break; case "keybase": opts.username = document.body.querySelector("#keybase_username").value; opts.fingerprint = document.body.querySelector("#keybase_fingerprint").value; break; } // If no input was detect if (!opts.input && !opts.username) { opts.mode = "signature"; } verifySignature(opts); }; } if (elFormEncrypt) { elFormEncrypt.onsubmit = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); let opts = { message: null, mode: null, input: null, server: null, }; opts.message = document.body.querySelector("#message").value; opts.mode = document.body.querySelector("#modeSelect").value; switch (opts.mode) { default: case "auto": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#auto_input").value; break; case "wkd": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#wkd_input").value; break; case "hkp": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#hkp_input").value; opts.server = document.body.querySelector("#hkp_server").value; break; case "plaintext": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#plaintext_input").value; break; case "keybase": opts.username = document.body.querySelector("#keybase_username").value; opts.fingerprint = document.body.querySelector("#keybase_fingerprint").value; break; } encryptMessage(opts); }; } if (elFormProofs) { elFormProofs.onsubmit = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); let opts = { mode: null, input: null, server: null, }; opts.mode = document.body.querySelector("#modeSelect").value; switch (opts.mode) { default: case "auto": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#auto_input").value; break; case "wkd": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#wkd_input").value; break; case "hkp": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#hkp_input").value; opts.server = document.body.querySelector("#hkp_server").value; break; case "plaintext": opts.input = document.body.querySelector("#plaintext_input").value; break; } verifyProofs(opts); }; } if (elProfileUid) { let match, opts, profileUid = elProfileUid.innerHTML; switch (elProfileMode.innerHTML) { default: case "auto": if (/.*@.*/.test(profileUid)) { // Match email for wkd opts = { input: profileUid, mode: "wkd" } } else { // Match fingerprint for hkp opts = { input: profileUid, mode: "hkp" } } break; case "hkp": case "wkd": opts = { input: profileUid, mode: elProfileMode.innerHTML } break; case "keybase": let match = profileUid.match(/(.*)\/(.*)/); opts = { username: match[1], fingerprint: match[2], mode: elProfileMode.innerHTML } break; } displayProfile(opts); } if (elUtilWKD) { elUtilWKD.onsubmit = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } const elInput = document.body.querySelector("#input"); const elOutput = document.body.querySelector("#output"); const elOutputDirect = document.body.querySelector("#output_url_direct"); const elOutputAdvanced = document.body.querySelector("#output_url_advanced"); let match; elInput.addEventListener("input", async function(evt) { if (evt.target.value) { if (/(.*)@(.{1,}\..{1,})/.test(evt.target.value)) { match = evt.target.value.match(/(.*)@(.*)/); elOutput.innerText = await computeWKDLocalPart(match[1]); elOutputDirect.innerText = `https://${match[2]}/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/${elOutput.innerText}?l=${match[1]}`; elOutputAdvanced.innerText = `https://openpgpkey.${match[2]}/.well-known/openpgpkey/${match[2]}/hu/${elOutput.innerText}?l=${match[1]}`; } else { elOutput.innerText = await computeWKDLocalPart(evt.target.value); elOutputDirect.innerText = "Waiting for input"; elOutputAdvanced.innerText = "Waiting for input"; } } else { elOutput.innerText = "Waiting for input"; elOutputDirect.innerText = "Waiting for input"; elOutputAdvanced.innerText = "Waiting for input"; } }); elInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); } if (elUtilQRFP) { elUtilQRFP.onsubmit = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } const qrcode = new QRCode("qrcode", { text: "", width: 256, height: 256, colorDark : "#000000", colorLight : "#ffffff", correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H }); const elInput = document.body.querySelector("#input"); elInput.addEventListener("input", async function(evt) { if (evt.target.value) { qrcode.makeCode(`OPENPGP4FPR:${evt.target.value.toUpperCase()}`); } else { qrcode.clear(); } }); elInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); } if (elUtilQR) { elUtilQR.onsubmit = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } const qrcode = new QRCode("qrcode", { text: "", width: 256, height: 256, colorDark : "#000000", colorLight : "#ffffff", correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.L }); const elInput = document.body.querySelector("#input"); if (elInput.innerText) { elInput.innerText = decodeURIComponent(elInput.innerText); qrcode.makeCode(`${elInput.innerText}`); document.body.querySelector("#qrcode--altLink").href = elInput.innerText; } else { qrcode.clear(); } } if (elUtilProfileURL) { elUtilProfileURL.onsubmit = function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } const elInput = document.body.querySelector("#input"), elSource = document.body.querySelector("#source"), elOutput = document.body.querySelector("#output"); let data = { input: elInput.value, source: elSource.value }; elInput.addEventListener("input", async function(evt) { data = { input: elInput.value, source: elSource.value }; elOutput.innerText = await generateProfileURL(data); }); elSource.addEventListener("input", async function(evt) { data = { input: elInput.value, source: elSource.value }; elOutput.innerText = await generateProfileURL(data); }); elInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); }