import { DOMParser, } from ""; import { writeCSV } from ""; import { NSDAMemberLookup, NSDAMemberPointEntry, NSDAMemberSearchResult, TabroomEntry, } from "./types.ts"; import { overrides } from "./constants.ts"; // Load auth const nsdaAuth = await Deno.readFile("./auth.txt").then((a) => new TextDecoder().decode(a) ); // Fetch and parse tabroom USX entries const tabroomHtml = await fetch( "", ).then((r) => r.text()); const dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString( tabroomHtml, "text/html", )!; const entries: TabroomEntry[] = []; for (const row of dom.querySelectorAll("tr")) { const [institution, location, entry, code] = [...row.childNodes] .filter((n) => n.nodeName === "TD") .map((n) => n.textContent.trim()); // Skip invalid entries if (!institution || !location || !entry || !code || entry === "Names TBA") { continue; } entries.push({ institution, location, entry, code, }); } // Lookup on NSDA const nsdaSearchResults = await Promise .all( (e) => { const override = overrides[e.entry]; let nsdaLookup: NSDAMemberSearchResult[] = await fetch( `${ new URLSearchParams({ q: override?.name ?? e.entry, type: "members", }).toString() }`, { headers: { authorization: nsdaAuth, }, }, ).then((r) => r.json()); // Short circuit on overrides if (override !== undefined) { const result = nsdaLookup.find((e) => ===; if (result !== undefined) { return { tabroom: e, nsdaSearchResult: result }; } else { console.error(`ID override failed for ${e.entry} (${})!`); return null; } } // Do our best to filter the results down to one // Start by filtering anything but HS competitors and status === 1 // (status 2 appeared on a duplicate, so I assume that marks inactive entries?) nsdaLookup = nsdaLookup.filter((ee) => ee.realm === "hs" && ee.status === 1 ); // Then, if that doesn't work, filter by state if (nsdaLookup.length > 1) { nsdaLookup = nsdaLookup.filter((ee) => ee.school_state?.toLowerCase() === e.location.replace("/US", "").toLowerCase() ); } // At this point, collapse equivelent results just in case we *have* found one result if (nsdaLookup.length > 1) { const collapsed: NSDAMemberSearchResult[] = []; for (const entry of nsdaLookup) { if (!collapsed.some((e) => === { collapsed.push(entry); } } nsdaLookup = collapsed; } // Finally, if none of the past filters worked, attempt a school filter let schoolFilterUsed = false; if (nsdaLookup.length > 1) { schoolFilterUsed = true; nsdaLookup = nsdaLookup.filter((ee) => ee.school_name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/g, "").toLowerCase().includes( e.institution.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/g, "").toLowerCase(), ) || e.institution.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/g, "").toLowerCase().includes( ee.school_name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/g, "").toLowerCase(), ) ); } if (nsdaLookup.length < 1) { console.error( `No results found for entry "${e.entry}" (with code "${e.code}"), from ${e.institution} in ${ e.location.replace("/US", "") }.`, ); if (schoolFilterUsed) console.error("SCHOOL-BASED FILTER WAS USED!"); return null; } else if (nsdaLookup.length > 1) { console.error( `Multiple entries found for entry "${e.entry}" (with code "${e.code}"), from ${e.institution} in ${ e.location.replace("/US", "") }!`, ); console.error("---------------------------------------------"); console.error(nsdaLookup); console.error("---------------------------------------------"); return null; } else { return { tabroom: e, nsdaSearchResult: nsdaLookup[0] }; } }), ).then((p) => p.filter((e) => e !== null) as { tabroom: TabroomEntry; nsdaSearchResult: NSDAMemberSearchResult; }[] ); // Convert NSDA searches to true NSDA member objects and point entries to get actual information const nsdaLookups = await Promise.all( ({ tabroom, nsdaSearchResult }) => ({ tabroom, nsdaSearchResult, nsdaMemberLookup: await fetch( "" +, { headers: { authorization: nsdaAuth } }, ).then((r) => r.json()) as NSDAMemberLookup, nsdaPointsLookup: await fetch( "" + + "/points", { headers: { authorization: nsdaAuth } }, ).then((r) => r.json()) as NSDAMemberPointEntry[], })), ); // Analyze and display aggregate fetched information console.log( `Represented states: ${ Object.entries(nsdaLookups.reduce( (acc, l) => ({ ...acc, [l.tabroom.location.replace("/US", "")]: (acc[l.tabroom.location.replace("/US", "")] ?? 0) + 1, }), {} as Record, )).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]).map(([state, n]) => "- " + state + ": " + n) .join("\n") } Total entries: ${nsdaLookups.length} Total schools: ${ [ Set( => l.nsdaSearchResult.school_name))].length }`, ); // Collect information into a spreadsheet format const sheet = [ [ "Last points entry", "First name", "Middle name", "Last name", "State", "School", "Extemp Points", "Year Extemp Points", "Extemp tournaments", "Year Extemp Tournaments", "Average Placing", "Year Average Placing", ], => [ l.nsdaMemberLookup.last_points_entry, l.nsdaMemberLookup.first, l.nsdaMemberLookup.middle ?? "", l.nsdaMemberLookup.last, l.nsdaSearchResult.school_state ?? l.tabroom.location.replace("/US", ""), l.nsdaSearchResult.school_name, l.nsdaPointsLookup.filter((e) => e.category_id === 202 /* Extemporaneous speech event ID */ ).reduce((acc, e) => acc + e.points, 0).toString(), l.nsdaPointsLookup.filter((e) => e.category_id === 202 && /* Extemporaneous speech event ID */ new Date(e.start).getTime() > new Date(2023, 6, 0).getTime() ).reduce((acc, e) => acc + e.points, 0).toString(), l.nsdaPointsLookup.filter((e) => e.category_id === 202 /* Extemporaneous speech event ID */ ).reduce( (acc, e) => [...acc, ...(acc.includes(e.tourn_id) ? [] : [e.tourn_id])], [] as number[], ).length.toString(), l.nsdaPointsLookup.filter((e) => e.category_id === 202 && /* Extemporaneous speech event ID */ new Date(e.start).getTime() > new Date(2023, 6, 0).getTime() ).reduce( (acc, e) => [...acc, ...(acc.includes(e.tourn_id) ? [] : [e.tourn_id])], [] as number[], ).length.toString(), (Math.round( l.nsdaPointsLookup.filter((e) => e.category_id === 202 /* Extemporaneous speech event ID */ ).flatMap((e) => (JSON.parse(e.result) as { ranks: number[] }).ranks) .reduce((acc, v, _, a) => (acc + v / a.length), 0) * 1000, ) / 1000).toString(), (Math.round( l.nsdaPointsLookup.filter((e) => e.category_id === 202 && /* Extemporaneous speech event ID */ new Date(e.start).getTime() > new Date(2023, 6, 0).getTime() ).flatMap((e) => (JSON.parse(e.result) as { ranks: number[] }).ranks) .reduce((acc, v, _, a) => (acc + v / a.length), 0) * 1000, ) / 1000).toString(), ]), ]; await writeCSV( await"./out.csv", { write: true, create: true, truncate: true, }), sheet, { columnSeparator: "\t", }, );