This commit is contained in:
Tyler Beckman 2024-12-07 23:34:35 -07:00
parent f248ccde17
commit e8c4abc6a3
Signed by: Ty
GPG key ID: 2813440C772555A4
2 changed files with 101 additions and 0 deletions

day8/part1.kts Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env kotlin
val frequencies = mutableMapOf<Char, MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>>>()
var gridWidth = 0
var gridHeight = 0
File("./input.txt").readLines().also {
gridHeight = it.size
}.forEachIndexed { i, line ->
line.also { gridWidth = it.length }.forEachIndexed chars@{ j, freq ->
if (freq == '.') return@chars
val curValue = frequencies.putIfAbsent(
freq, mutableListOf(Pair(i, j))
if (curValue !== null) {
curValue.add(Pair(i, j))
val antiNodes = hashSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
frequencies.forEach { (_, points) ->
points.forEach outer@{ point1 ->
points.forEach { point2 ->
if (point1 == point2) return@outer
val dRow = (point1.first - point2.first)
val dCol = (point1.second - point2.second)
val antiNode1 = Pair(point1.first + dRow, point1.second + dCol)
val antiNode2 = Pair(point2.first - dRow, point2.second - dCol)
if (
antiNode1.first >= 0
&& antiNode1.second >= 0
&& antiNode1.first < gridHeight
&& antiNode1.second < gridWidth) {
if (
antiNode2.first >= 0
&& antiNode2.second >= 0
&& antiNode2.first < gridHeight
&& antiNode2.second < gridWidth) {

day8/part2.kts Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#!/usr/bin/env kotlin
val frequencies = mutableMapOf<Char, MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>>>()
var gridWidth = 0
var gridHeight = 0
File("./input.txt").readLines().also {
gridHeight = it.size
}.forEachIndexed { i, line ->
line.also { gridWidth = it.length }.forEachIndexed chars@{ j, freq ->
if (freq == '.') return@chars
val curValue = frequencies.putIfAbsent(
freq, mutableListOf(Pair(i, j))
if (curValue !== null) {
curValue.add(Pair(i, j))
val antiNodes = hashSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
frequencies.forEach { (_, points) ->
points.forEach outer@{ point1 ->
points.forEach { point2 ->
if (point1 == point2) return@outer
val dRow = (point1.first - point2.first)
val dCol = (point1.second - point2.second)
var curRow = point1.first
var curCol = point1.second
while (curRow in 0..<gridHeight && curCol in 0..<gridWidth) {
antiNodes.add(Pair(curRow, curCol))
curRow += dRow
curCol += dCol
curRow = point2.first
curCol = point2.second
while (curRow in 0..<gridHeight && curCol in 0..<gridWidth) {
antiNodes.add(Pair(curRow, curCol))
curRow -= dRow
curCol -= dCol