2024-12-18 20:21:11 -07:00

150 lines
4.4 KiB

use std::collections::LinkedList;
use itertools::Itertools;
use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
struct Register {
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
enum Instruction {
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Clone, Copy)]
enum OpCode {
/// Performs division
/// A register <- (A register)/(2^(combo operand))
/// !!round towards 0!!
Adv = 0,
/// Calculates bitwise XOR
/// B register <- (B register) ^ (literal operand)
Bxl = 1,
/// Calculates modulo 8 (thereby keeping only its lowest 3 bits)
/// (combo operand) % 8
Bst = 2,
/// Conditional jump
/// If (A register) == 0: do nothing
/// Else: Jump to literal operand
/// !!if this instruction jumps, the instruction pointer is not increased by 2 after this instruction.!!
Jnz = 3,
/// Calculates bitwise XOR
/// B register <- (B register) ^ (C register)
/// !!reads the operand, but ignores it!!
Bxc = 4,
/// Outputs data mod 8
/// print ((combo operand) % 8)
/// !!multiple outputs are separated by commas!!
Out = 5,
/// Performs division
/// B register <- (A register) / (2^(combo operand))
/// !!round towards 0!!
Bdv = 6,
/// Performs division
/// C register <- (A register) / (2^(combo operand))
/// !!round towards 0!!
Cdv = 7,
enum Operand {
RegisterA = 4,
RegisterB = 5,
RegisterC = 6,
Reserved = 7
impl Operand {
fn from_opcode(opcode: OpCode, num: u8) -> Self {
match opcode {
OpCode::Bxl | OpCode::Jnz | OpCode::Bxc => Operand::Literal(num),
OpCode::Adv | OpCode::Bst | OpCode::Out | OpCode::Bdv | OpCode::Cdv => match num {
0..=3 => Operand::Literal(num),
4 => Operand::RegisterA,
5 => Operand::RegisterB,
6 => Operand::RegisterC,
7 | _ => unreachable!(),
fn get_value(&self, register: &mut Register) -> u64 {
match self {
Operand::Literal(n) => (*n).into(),
Operand::RegisterA => register.a,
Operand::RegisterB => register.b,
Operand::RegisterC => register.c,
Operand::Reserved => unreachable!(),
const INPUT: &str = include_str!("input.txt");
fn main() {
// Input parsing
let (registers, instructions) = INPUT.split_once("\n\n").unwrap();
let mut register = registers
.map(|l| l[12..].parse::<u64>().unwrap())
.fold(Register { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0 }, |mut acc, (i, v)| {
match i {
0 => acc.a = v,
1 => acc.b = v,
2 => acc.c = v,
_ => unreachable!()
let instructions = instructions[9..]
.flat_map(|mut chunk| {
let opcode = OpCode::from_u8(<u8>().unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut instruction_pointer = 0;
// Actual logic
loop {
let Some(Instruction::OpCode(opcode)) = instructions.get(instruction_pointer) else {
let Some(Instruction::Operand(operand)) = instructions.get(instruction_pointer + 1) else {
let operand = operand.get_value(&mut register);
match opcode {
OpCode::Adv => register.a = register.a / 2u64.pow(operand.try_into().unwrap()),
OpCode::Bxl => register.b = register.b ^ operand,
OpCode::Bst => register.b = operand % 8,
OpCode::Jnz => if register.a != 0 {
instruction_pointer = operand.try_into().unwrap();
OpCode::Bxc => register.b = register.b ^ register.c,
OpCode::Out => print!("{},", register.b % 8),
OpCode::Bdv => register.b = register.a / 2u64.pow(operand.try_into().unwrap()),
OpCode::Cdv => register.c = register.a / 2u64.pow(operand.try_into().unwrap()),
instruction_pointer += 2;
// Erase last comma
print!("\x08 \n");