2024-12-18 20:21:11 -07:00

58 lines
2.1 KiB

use std::collections::VecDeque;
use itertools::Itertools;
const INPUT: &str = include_str!("input.txt");
// I manually transpiled my program input to rust code, and then removed everything after the first print
// I hope this doesn't count as including my input, please have mercy o lord Eric Wastl
fn calculate(value: u64) -> u64 {
let mut register = (value, 0, 0);
register.1 = register.0 & 0b111; // Take the lowest 3 bits
register.1 ^= 0b010; // XOR Depends on lowest 3 bits
register.2 = register.0 / 2u64.pow(register.1.try_into().unwrap()); // Remove some bits of A depending on its last 3
register.1 ^= 0b011; // XOR Depends on lowest 3 bits
register.1 ^= register.2; // XOR Depends on lowest 3 and full
return register.1 & 0b111;
fn main() {
// Input parsing
let (_, instructions) = INPUT.split_once("\n\n").unwrap();
let instructions = instructions[9..]
.map(|num| {
// Since the program operates in chunks of 3
// And since each chunk relies on the chunks above it
// If we start from the last digit then we can get that right, and work from there
// We have to use a queue/stack, because multiple inputs can get a correct digit, so we have to support branching
let mut branches = VecDeque::<(u64, usize)>::with_capacity(instructions.len() * 3);
branches.push_back((0b000, 0));
let mut results = Vec::<u64>::new();
loop {
let Some((next, digits_calculated)) = branches.pop_back() else {
for i in 0b000..=0b111u64 {
if calculate(next | i) == instructions[15 - digits_calculated] {
if digits_calculated == 15 {
results.push(next | i);
} else {
branches.push_back(((next | i) << 3, digits_calculated + 1));
println!("Result: {}", results.iter().min().unwrap());