use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; use chrono::{Months, NaiveDate}; use rand::RngCore; use uuid::Uuid; pub fn random_bytes<const N: usize>() -> [u8; N] { let mut ret = [0u8; N]; rand::thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut ret); ret } // basically just ripped from the uuid crate. they have it as unstable, but we can use it fine. const fn encode_unix_timestamp_millis(millis: u64, random_bytes: &[u8; 10]) -> Uuid { let millis_high = ((millis >> 16) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32; let millis_low = (millis & 0xFFFF) as u16; let random_and_version = (random_bytes[0] as u16 | ((random_bytes[1] as u16) << 8) & 0x0FFF) | (0x7 << 12); let mut d4 = [0; 8]; d4[0] = (random_bytes[2] & 0x3F) | 0x80; d4[1] = random_bytes[3]; d4[2] = random_bytes[4]; d4[3] = random_bytes[5]; d4[4] = random_bytes[6]; d4[5] = random_bytes[7]; d4[6] = random_bytes[8]; d4[7] = random_bytes[9]; Uuid::from_fields(millis_high, millis_low, random_and_version, &d4) } pub fn uuid_v7() -> Uuid { let bytes = random_bytes(); let now: u64 = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp_millis() as u64; encode_unix_timestamp_millis(now, &bytes) } pub fn uuid_v4() -> String { Uuid::new_v4().as_simple().to_string() } pub fn has_git_dir(path: &str) -> bool { let mut gitdir = PathBuf::from(path); gitdir.push(".git"); gitdir.exists() } // detect if any parent dir has a git repo in it // I really don't want to bring in libgit for something simple like this // If we start to do anything more advanced, then perhaps pub fn in_git_repo(path: &str) -> Option<PathBuf> { let mut gitdir = PathBuf::from(path); while gitdir.parent().is_some() && !has_git_dir(gitdir.to_str().unwrap()) { gitdir.pop(); } // No parent? then we hit root, finding no git if gitdir.parent().is_some() { return Some(gitdir); } None } // TODO: more reliable, more tested // I don't want to use ProjectDirs, it puts config in awkward places on // mac. Data too. Seems to be more intended for GUI apps. #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] pub fn home_dir() -> PathBuf { let home = std::env::var("HOME").expect("$HOME not found"); PathBuf::from(home) } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] pub fn home_dir() -> PathBuf { let home = std::env::var("USERPROFILE").expect("%userprofile% not found"); PathBuf::from(home) } pub fn config_dir() -> PathBuf { let config_dir = std::env::var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME").map_or_else(|_| home_dir().join(".config"), PathBuf::from); config_dir.join("atuin") } pub fn data_dir() -> PathBuf { let data_dir = std::env::var("XDG_DATA_HOME") .map_or_else(|_| home_dir().join(".local").join("share"), PathBuf::from); data_dir.join("atuin") } pub fn get_current_dir() -> String { // Prefer PWD environment variable over cwd if available to better support symbolic links match env::var("PWD") { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => match env::current_dir() { Ok(dir) => dir.display().to_string(), Err(_) => String::from(""), }, } } pub fn get_days_from_month(year: i32, month: u32) -> i64 { let Some(start) = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(year, month, 1) else { return 30; }; let Some(end) = start.checked_add_months(Months::new(1)) else { return 30; }; end.signed_duration_since(start).num_days() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::env; use std::collections::HashSet; #[test] fn test_dirs() { // these tests need to be run sequentially to prevent race condition test_config_dir_xdg(); test_config_dir(); test_data_dir_xdg(); test_data_dir(); } fn test_config_dir_xdg() { env::remove_var("HOME"); env::set_var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/home/user/custom_config"); assert_eq!( config_dir(), PathBuf::from("/home/user/custom_config/atuin") ); env::remove_var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); } fn test_config_dir() { env::set_var("HOME", "/home/user"); env::remove_var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); assert_eq!(config_dir(), PathBuf::from("/home/user/.config/atuin")); env::remove_var("HOME"); } fn test_data_dir_xdg() { env::remove_var("HOME"); env::set_var("XDG_DATA_HOME", "/home/user/custom_data"); assert_eq!(data_dir(), PathBuf::from("/home/user/custom_data/atuin")); env::remove_var("XDG_DATA_HOME"); } fn test_data_dir() { env::set_var("HOME", "/home/user"); env::remove_var("XDG_DATA_HOME"); assert_eq!(data_dir(), PathBuf::from("/home/user/.local/share/atuin")); env::remove_var("HOME"); } #[test] fn days_from_month() { assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 1), 31); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 2), 28); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 3), 31); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 4), 30); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 5), 31); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 6), 30); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 7), 31); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 8), 31); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 9), 30); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 10), 31); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 11), 30); assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2023, 12), 31); // leap years assert_eq!(get_days_from_month(2024, 2), 29); } #[test] fn uuid_is_unique() { let how_many: usize = 1000000; // for peace of mind let mut uuids: HashSet<Uuid> = HashSet::with_capacity(how_many); // there will be many in the same millisecond for _ in 0..how_many { let uuid = uuid_v7(); uuids.insert(uuid); } assert_eq!(uuids.len(), how_many); } }