use std::path::Path; use eyre::{eyre, Result}; use rusqlite::NO_PARAMS; use rusqlite::{params, Connection}; use crate::History; pub trait Database { fn save(&mut self, h: History) -> Result<()>; fn save_bulk(&mut self, h: &Vec<History>) -> Result<()>; fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<History>; fn list(&self) -> Result<()>; fn update(&self, h: History) -> Result<()>; } // Intended for use on a developer machine and not a sync server. // TODO: implement IntoIterator pub struct SqliteDatabase { conn: Connection, } impl SqliteDatabase { pub fn new(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<SqliteDatabase> { let path = path.as_ref(); debug!("opening sqlite database at {:?}", path); let create = !path.exists(); if create { if let Some(dir) = path.parent() { std::fs::create_dir_all(dir)?; } } let conn = Connection::open(path)?; if create { Self::setup_db(&conn)?; } Ok(SqliteDatabase { conn }) } fn setup_db(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { debug!("running sqlite database setup"); conn.execute( "create table if not exists history ( id text primary key, timestamp integer not null, duration integer not null, exit integer not null, command text not null, cwd text not null, session text not null, hostname text not null, unique(timestamp, cwd, command) )", NO_PARAMS, )?; Ok(()) } } impl Database for SqliteDatabase { fn save(&mut self, h: History) -> Result<()> { debug!("saving history to sqlite"); let v = vec![h]; self.save_bulk(&v) } fn save_bulk(&mut self, h: &Vec<History>) -> Result<()> { debug!("saving history to sqlite"); let tx = self.conn.transaction()?; for i in h { tx.execute( "insert or ignore into history ( id, timestamp, duration, exit, command, cwd, session, hostname ) values (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8)", params![, i.timestamp, i.duration, i.exit, i.command, i.cwd, i.session, i.hostname ], )?; } tx.commit()?; Ok(()) } fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<History> { debug!("loading history item"); let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare( "select id, timestamp, duration, exit, command, cwd, session, hostname from history where id = ?1", )?; let iter = stmt.query_map(params![id], |row| { Ok(History { id: String::from(id), timestamp: row.get(1)?, duration: row.get(2)?, exit: row.get(3)?, command: row.get(4)?, cwd: row.get(5)?, session: row.get(6)?, hostname: row.get(7)?, }) })?; for i in iter { return Ok(i.unwrap()); } return Err(eyre!("Failed to fetch history: {}", id)); } fn update(&self, h: History) -> Result<()> { debug!("updating sqlite history"); self.conn.execute( "update history set timestamp = ?2, duration = ?3, exit = ?4, command = ?5, cwd = ?6, session = ?7, hostname = ?8 where id = ?1", params![, h.timestamp, h.duration, h.exit, h.command, h.cwd, h.session, h.hostname], )?; Ok(()) } fn list(&self) -> Result<()> { debug!("listing history"); let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare( "SELECT id, timestamp, duration, exit, command, cwd, session, hostname FROM history", )?; let history_iter = stmt.query_map(params![], |row| { Ok(History { id: row.get(0)?, timestamp: row.get(1)?, duration: row.get(2)?, exit: row.get(3)?, command: row.get(4)?, cwd: row.get(5)?, session: row.get(6)?, hostname: row.get(7)?, }) })?; for h in history_iter { let h = h.unwrap(); println!( "{} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {}", h.timestamp, h.hostname, h.session, h.cwd, h.duration, h.exit, h.command ); } Ok(()) } }