<h1 align="center">
<blockquote align="center">
  Through the fathomless deeps of space swims the star turtle Great A’Tuin, bearing on its back the four giant elephants who carry on their shoulders the mass of the Discworld.

<p align="center">
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A'tuin manages and synchronizes your shell history! Instead of storing
everything in a text file (such as ~/.history), A'tuin uses a sqlite database.
While being a little more complex, this allows for more functionality.

As well as the expected command, A'tuin stores

- duration
- exit code
- working directory
- hostname
- time
- a unique session ID

## Install

`atuin` needs a recent version of Rust + Cargo! It's best to use
[rustup](https://rustup.rs/) for getting set up there.

cargo install atuin

Once the binary is installed, the shell plugin requires installing:


zplug "ellie/atuin", at:main

otherwise, clone the repo and `source /path/to/repo/atuin.plugin.zsh` in your `.zshrc`

## Usage

By default A'tuin will rebind ctrl-r to use fzf to fuzzy search your history. You
can specify a different fuzzy tool by changing the value of `ATUIN_FUZZY`:

export ATUIN_FUZZY=fzy

### Import history

atuin import auto # detect shell, then import


atuin import zsh  # specify shell

### List history

atuin history list

## ...what's with the name?

A'tuin is named after "The Great A'tuin", a giant turtle from Terry Pratchett's
Discworld series of books.