use std::path::PathBuf; use config::{Config, File}; use directories::ProjectDirs; use eyre::{eyre, Result}; use std::fs; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct LocalDatabase { pub path: String, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct Local { pub server_address: String, pub dialect: String, pub db: LocalDatabase, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct Settings { pub local: Local, } impl Settings { pub fn new() -> Result { let config_dir = ProjectDirs::from("com", "elliehuxtable", "atuin").unwrap(); let config_dir = config_dir.config_dir(); fs::create_dir_all(config_dir)?; let mut config_file = PathBuf::new(); config_file.push(config_dir); config_file.push("config.toml"); let config_file = config_file.as_path(); // create the config file if it does not exist let mut s = Config::new(); let db_path = ProjectDirs::from("com", "elliehuxtable", "atuin") .ok_or_else(|| { eyre!("could not determine db file location\nspecify one using the --db flag") })? .data_dir() .join("history.db"); s.set_default("local.server_address", "")?; s.set_default("local.dialect", "us")?; s.set_default("local.db.path", db_path.to_str())?; if config_file.exists() { s.merge(File::with_name(config_file.to_str().unwrap()))?; } // all paths should be expanded let db_path = s.get_str("local.db.path")?; let db_path = shellexpand::full(db_path.as_str())?; s.set("local.db.path", db_path.to_string())?; s.try_into() .map_err(|e| eyre!("failed to deserialize: {}", e)) } }