use std::{env, path::Path, str::FromStr}; use async_trait::async_trait; use chrono::{prelude::*, Utc}; use fs_err as fs; use itertools::Itertools; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use regex::Regex; use sql_builder::{esc, quote, SqlBuilder, SqlName}; use sqlx::{ sqlite::{SqliteConnectOptions, SqliteJournalMode, SqlitePool, SqlitePoolOptions, SqliteRow}, Result, Row, }; use super::{ history::History, ordering, settings::{FilterMode, SearchMode}, }; pub struct Context { session: String, cwd: String, hostname: String, } pub fn current_context() -> Context { let session = env::var("ATUIN_SESSION").expect("failed to find ATUIN_SESSION - check your shell setup"); let hostname = format!("{}:{}", whoami::hostname(), whoami::username()); let cwd = match env::current_dir() { Ok(dir) => dir.display().to_string(), Err(_) => String::from(""), }; Context { session, hostname, cwd, } } #[async_trait] pub trait Database: Send + Sync { async fn save(&mut self, h: &History) -> Result<()>; async fn save_bulk(&mut self, h: &[History]) -> Result<()>; async fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<History>; async fn list( &self, filter: FilterMode, context: &Context, max: Option<usize>, unique: bool, ) -> Result<Vec<History>>; async fn range( &self, from: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, to: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, ) -> Result<Vec<History>>; async fn update(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()>; async fn history_count(&self) -> Result<i64>; async fn first(&self) -> Result<History>; async fn last(&self) -> Result<History>; async fn before(&self, timestamp: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, count: i64) -> Result<Vec<History>>; async fn search( &self, limit: Option<i64>, search_mode: SearchMode, filter: FilterMode, context: &Context, query: &str, ) -> Result<Vec<History>>; async fn query_history(&self, query: &str) -> Result<Vec<History>>; } // Intended for use on a developer machine and not a sync server. // TODO: implement IntoIterator pub struct Sqlite { pool: SqlitePool, } impl Sqlite { pub async fn new(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self> { let path = path.as_ref(); debug!("opening sqlite database at {:?}", path); let create = !path.exists(); if create { if let Some(dir) = path.parent() { fs::create_dir_all(dir)?; } } let opts = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(path.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap())? .journal_mode(SqliteJournalMode::Wal) .create_if_missing(true); let pool = SqlitePoolOptions::new().connect_with(opts).await?; Self::setup_db(&pool).await?; Ok(Self { pool }) } async fn setup_db(pool: &SqlitePool) -> Result<()> { debug!("running sqlite database setup"); sqlx::migrate!("./migrations").run(pool).await?; Ok(()) } async fn save_raw(tx: &mut sqlx::Transaction<'_, sqlx::Sqlite>, h: &History) -> Result<()> { sqlx::query( "insert or ignore into history(id, timestamp, duration, exit, command, cwd, session, hostname) values(?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8)", ) .bind( .bind(h.timestamp.timestamp_nanos()) .bind(h.duration) .bind(h.exit) .bind(h.command.as_str()) .bind(h.cwd.as_str()) .bind(h.session.as_str()) .bind(h.hostname.as_str()) .execute(tx) .await?; Ok(()) } fn query_history(row: SqliteRow) -> History { History { id: row.get("id"), timestamp: Utc.timestamp_nanos(row.get("timestamp")), duration: row.get("duration"), exit: row.get("exit"), command: row.get("command"), cwd: row.get("cwd"), session: row.get("session"), hostname: row.get("hostname"), } } } #[async_trait] impl Database for Sqlite { async fn save(&mut self, h: &History) -> Result<()> { debug!("saving history to sqlite"); let mut tx = self.pool.begin().await?; Self::save_raw(&mut tx, h).await?; tx.commit().await?; Ok(()) } async fn save_bulk(&mut self, h: &[History]) -> Result<()> { debug!("saving history to sqlite"); let mut tx = self.pool.begin().await?; for i in h { Self::save_raw(&mut tx, i).await? } tx.commit().await?; Ok(()) } async fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<History> { debug!("loading history item {}", id); let res = sqlx::query("select * from history where id = ?1") .bind(id) .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_one(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res) } async fn update(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()> { debug!("updating sqlite history"); sqlx::query( "update history set timestamp = ?2, duration = ?3, exit = ?4, command = ?5, cwd = ?6, session = ?7, hostname = ?8 where id = ?1", ) .bind( .bind(h.timestamp.timestamp_nanos()) .bind(h.duration) .bind(h.exit) .bind(h.command.as_str()) .bind(h.cwd.as_str()) .bind(h.session.as_str()) .bind(h.hostname.as_str()) .execute(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(()) } // make a unique list, that only shows the *newest* version of things async fn list( &self, filter: FilterMode, context: &Context, max: Option<usize>, unique: bool, ) -> Result<Vec<History>> { debug!("listing history"); let mut query = SqlBuilder::select_from(SqlName::new("history").alias("h").baquoted()); query.field("*").order_desc("timestamp"); match filter { FilterMode::Global => &mut query, FilterMode::Host => query.and_where_eq("hostname", quote(&context.hostname)), FilterMode::Session => query.and_where_eq("session", quote(&context.session)), FilterMode::Directory => query.and_where_eq("cwd", quote(&context.cwd)), }; if unique { query.and_where_eq( "timestamp", "(select max(timestamp) from history where h.command = history.command)", ); } if let Some(max) = max { query.limit(max); } let query = query.sql().expect("bug in list query. please report"); let res = sqlx::query(&query) .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_all(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res) } async fn range( &self, from: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, to: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, ) -> Result<Vec<History>> { debug!("listing history from {:?} to {:?}", from, to); let res = sqlx::query( "select * from history where timestamp >= ?1 and timestamp <= ?2 order by timestamp asc", ) .bind(from.timestamp_nanos()) .bind(to.timestamp_nanos()) .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_all(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res) } async fn first(&self) -> Result<History> { let res = sqlx::query("select * from history where duration >= 0 order by timestamp asc limit 1") .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_one(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res) } async fn last(&self) -> Result<History> { let res = sqlx::query( "select * from history where duration >= 0 order by timestamp desc limit 1", ) .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_one(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res) } async fn before(&self, timestamp: chrono::DateTime<Utc>, count: i64) -> Result<Vec<History>> { let res = sqlx::query( "select * from history where timestamp < ?1 order by timestamp desc limit ?2", ) .bind(timestamp.timestamp_nanos()) .bind(count) .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_all(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res) } async fn history_count(&self) -> Result<i64> { let res: (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("select count(1) from history") .fetch_one(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res.0) } async fn search( &self, limit: Option<i64>, search_mode: SearchMode, filter: FilterMode, context: &Context, query: &str, ) -> Result<Vec<History>> { let mut sql = SqlBuilder::select_from("history"); sql.group_by("command") .having("max(timestamp)") .order_desc("timestamp"); if let Some(limit) = limit { sql.limit(limit); } match filter { FilterMode::Global => &mut sql, FilterMode::Host => sql.and_where_eq("hostname", quote(&context.hostname)), FilterMode::Session => sql.and_where_eq("session", quote(&context.session)), FilterMode::Directory => sql.and_where_eq("cwd", quote(&context.cwd)), }; let orig_query = query; let query = query.replace('*', "%"); // allow wildcard char match search_mode { SearchMode::Prefix => sql.and_where_like_left("command", query), SearchMode::FullText => sql.and_where_like_any("command", query), SearchMode::Fuzzy => { // don't recompile the regex on successive calls! lazy_static! { static ref SPLIT_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r" +").unwrap(); } let mut is_or = false; for query_part in SPLIT_REGEX.split(query.as_str()) { // TODO smart case mode could be made configurable like in fzf let (is_glob, glob) = if query_part.contains(char::is_uppercase) { (true, "*") } else { (false, "%") }; let (is_inverse, query_part) = match query_part.strip_prefix('!') { Some(stripped) => (true, stripped), None => (false, query_part), }; let param = if query_part == "|" { if !is_or { is_or = true; continue; } else { format!("{glob}|{glob}") } } else if let Some(term) = query_part.strip_prefix('^') { format!("{term}{glob}") } else if let Some(term) = query_part.strip_suffix('$') { format!("{glob}{term}") } else if let Some(term) = query_part.strip_prefix('\'') { format!("{glob}{term}{glob}") } else if is_inverse { format!("{glob}{term}{glob}", term = query_part) } else { query_part.split("").join(glob) }; sql.fuzzy_condition("command", param, is_inverse, is_glob, is_or); is_or = false; } &mut sql } }; let query = sql.sql().expect("bug in search query. please report"); let res = sqlx::query(&query) .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_all(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(ordering::reorder_fuzzy(search_mode, orig_query, res)) } async fn query_history(&self, query: &str) -> Result<Vec<History>> { let res = sqlx::query(query) .map(Self::query_history) .fetch_all(&self.pool) .await?; Ok(res) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; async fn assert_search_eq<'a>( db: &impl Database, mode: SearchMode, filter_mode: FilterMode, query: &str, expected: usize, ) -> Result<Vec<History>> { let context = Context { hostname: "test:host".to_string(), session: "beepboopiamasession".to_string(), cwd: "/home/ellie".to_string(), }; let results =, mode, filter_mode, &context, query).await?; assert_eq!( results.len(), expected, "query \"{}\", commands: {:?}", query, results.iter().map(|a| &a.command).collect::<Vec<&String>>() ); Ok(results) } async fn assert_search_commands( db: &impl Database, mode: SearchMode, filter_mode: FilterMode, query: &str, expected_commands: Vec<&str>, ) { let results = assert_search_eq(db, mode, filter_mode, query, expected_commands.len()) .await .unwrap(); let commands: Vec<&str> = results.iter().map(|a| a.command.as_str()).collect(); assert_eq!(commands, expected_commands); } async fn new_history_item(db: &mut impl Database, cmd: &str) -> Result<()> { let history = History::new( chrono::Utc::now(), cmd.to_string(), "/home/ellie".to_string(), 0, 1, Some("beep boop".to_string()), Some("booop".to_string()), ); return; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_search_prefix() { let mut db = Sqlite::new("sqlite::memory:").await.unwrap(); new_history_item(&mut db, "ls /home/ellie").await.unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Prefix, FilterMode::Global, "ls", 1) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Prefix, FilterMode::Global, "/home", 0) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Prefix, FilterMode::Global, "ls ", 0) .await .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_search_fulltext() { let mut db = Sqlite::new("sqlite::memory:").await.unwrap(); new_history_item(&mut db, "ls /home/ellie").await.unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::FullText, FilterMode::Global, "ls", 1) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::FullText, FilterMode::Global, "/home", 1) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::FullText, FilterMode::Global, "ls ", 0) .await .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_search_fuzzy() { let mut db = Sqlite::new("sqlite::memory:").await.unwrap(); new_history_item(&mut db, "ls /home/ellie").await.unwrap(); new_history_item(&mut db, "ls /home/frank").await.unwrap(); new_history_item(&mut db, "cd /home/Ellie").await.unwrap(); new_history_item(&mut db, "/home/ellie/.bin/rustup") .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "ls /", 3) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "ls/", 2) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "l/h/", 2) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "/h/e", 3) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "/hmoe/", 0) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "ellie/home", 0) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "lsellie", 1) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, " ", 4) .await .unwrap(); // single term operators assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "^ls", 2) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "'ls", 2) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "ellie$", 2) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "!^ls", 2) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "!ellie", 1) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "!ellie$", 2) .await .unwrap(); // multiple terms assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "ls !ellie", 1) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "^ls !e$", 1) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "home !^ls", 2) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq( &db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "'frank | 'rustup", 2, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq( &db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "'frank | 'rustup 'ls", 1, ) .await .unwrap(); // case matching assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "Ellie", 1) .await .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_search_reordered_fuzzy() { let mut db = Sqlite::new("sqlite::memory:").await.unwrap(); // test ordering of results: we should choose the first, even though it happened longer ago. new_history_item(&mut db, "curl").await.unwrap(); new_history_item(&mut db, "corburl").await.unwrap(); // if fuzzy reordering is on, it should come back in a more sensible order assert_search_commands( &db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "curl", vec!["curl", "corburl"], ) .await; assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "xxxx", 0) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_eq(&db, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, "", 2) .await .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_search_bench_dupes() { let context = Context { hostname: "test:host".to_string(), session: "beepboopiamasession".to_string(), cwd: "/home/ellie".to_string(), }; let mut db = Sqlite::new("sqlite::memory:").await.unwrap(); for _i in 1..10000 { new_history_item(&mut db, "i am a duplicated command") .await .unwrap(); } let start = Instant::now(); let _results = db .search(None, SearchMode::Fuzzy, FilterMode::Global, &context, "") .await .unwrap(); let duration = start.elapsed(); assert!(duration < Duration::from_secs(15)); } } trait SqlBuilderExt { fn fuzzy_condition<S: ToString, T: ToString>( &mut self, field: S, mask: T, inverse: bool, glob: bool, is_or: bool, ) -> &mut Self; } impl SqlBuilderExt for SqlBuilder { /// adapted from the sql-builder *like functions fn fuzzy_condition<S: ToString, T: ToString>( &mut self, field: S, mask: T, inverse: bool, glob: bool, is_or: bool, ) -> &mut Self { let mut cond = field.to_string(); if inverse { cond.push_str(" NOT"); } if glob { cond.push_str(" GLOB '"); } else { cond.push_str(" LIKE '"); } cond.push_str(&esc(&mask.to_string())); cond.push('\''); if is_or { self.or_where(cond) } else { self.and_where(cond) } } }