use std::path::PathBuf; use eyre::Result; use structopt::StructOpt; use atuin_client::database::Sqlite; use atuin_client::settings::Settings as ClientSettings; use atuin_common::utils::uuid_v4; use atuin_server::settings::Settings as ServerSettings; mod event; mod history; mod import; mod init; mod login; mod register; mod search; mod server; mod stats; mod sync; #[derive(StructOpt)] pub enum AtuinCmd { #[structopt( about="manipulate shell history", aliases=&["h", "hi", "his", "hist", "histo", "histor"], )] History(history::Cmd), #[structopt(about = "import shell history from file")] Import(import::Cmd), #[structopt(about = "start an atuin server")] Server(server::Cmd), #[structopt(about = "calculate statistics for your history")] Stats(stats::Cmd), #[structopt(about = "output shell setup")] Init, #[structopt(about = "generates a UUID")] Uuid, #[structopt(about = "interactive history search")] Search { query: Vec }, #[structopt(about = "sync with the configured server")] Sync { #[structopt(long, short, about = "force re-download everything")] force: bool, }, #[structopt(about = "login to the configured server")] Login(login::Cmd), #[structopt(about = "register with the configured server")] Register(register::Cmd), #[structopt(about = "print the encryption key for transfer to another machine")] Key, } impl AtuinCmd { pub async fn run(self) -> Result<()> { let client_settings = ClientSettings::new()?; let server_settings = ServerSettings::new()?; let db_path = PathBuf::from(client_settings.db_path.as_str()); let mut db = Sqlite::new(db_path)?; match self { Self::History(history) =>, &mut db).await, Self::Import(import) => db), Self::Server(server) =>, Self::Stats(stats) => db, &client_settings), Self::Init => init::init(), Self::Search { query } => search::run(&query, &mut db), Self::Sync { force } => sync::run(&client_settings, force, &mut db).await, Self::Login(l) =>, Self::Register(r) => register::run( &client_settings, r.username.as_str(),, r.password.as_str(), ), Self::Key => { let key = std::fs::read(client_settings.key_path.as_str())?; println!("{}", base64::encode(key)); Ok(()) } Self::Uuid => { println!("{}", uuid_v4()); Ok(()) } } } }