# Key binding By default, Atuin will rebind both <kbd>Ctrl-r</kbd> and the up arrow. If you do not want this to happen, set ATUIN_NOBIND before the call to `atuin init` For example ``` export ATUIN_NOBIND="true" eval "$(atuin init zsh)" ``` You can then choose to bind Atuin if needed, do this after the call to init. # zsh Atuin defines the ZLE widget "\_atuin_search_widget" ``` export ATUIN_NOBIND="true" eval "$(atuin init zsh)" bindkey '^r' _atuin_search_widget # depends on terminal mode bindkey '^[[A' _atuin_search_widget bindkey '^[OA' _atuin_search_widget ``` # bash ``` export ATUIN_NOBIND="true" eval "$(atuin init bash)" # bind to ctrl-r, add any other bindings you want here too bind -x '"\C-r": __atuin_history' ```