use atuin_common::api::{ErrorResponse, IndexResponse}; use axum::{response::IntoResponse, Json}; pub mod history; pub mod user; const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); pub async fn index() -> Json { let homage = r#""Through the fathomless deeps of space swims the star turtle Great A'Tuin, bearing on its back the four giant elephants who carry on their shoulders the mass of the Discworld." -- Sir Terry Pratchett"#; Json(IndexResponse { homage: homage.to_string(), version: VERSION.to_string(), }) } impl<'a> IntoResponse for ErrorResponseStatus<'a> { fn into_response(self) -> axum::response::Response { (self.status, Json(self.error)).into_response() } } pub struct ErrorResponseStatus<'a> { pub error: ErrorResponse<'a>, pub status: http::StatusCode, } pub trait RespExt<'a> { fn with_status(self, status: http::StatusCode) -> ErrorResponseStatus<'a>; fn reply(reason: &'a str) -> Self; } impl<'a> RespExt<'a> for ErrorResponse<'a> { fn with_status(self, status: http::StatusCode) -> ErrorResponseStatus<'a> { ErrorResponseStatus { error: self, status, } } fn reply(reason: &'a str) -> ErrorResponse { Self { reason: reason.into(), } } }