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2020-10-23 22:35:53 +02:00
'use strict';
* Main entry point for handling filesystem-based configuration,
* whether that's a config file or `package.json` or whatever.
* @module lib/cli/options
* @private
const fs = require('fs');
const ansi = require('ansi-colors');
const yargsParser = require('yargs-parser');
const {types, aliases} = require('./run-option-metadata');
const {ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS} = require('./one-and-dones');
const mocharc = require('../mocharc.json');
const {list} = require('./run-helpers');
const {loadConfig, findConfig} = require('./config');
const findUp = require('find-up');
const debug = require('debug')('mocha:cli:options');
const {isNodeFlag} = require('./node-flags');
* The `yargs-parser` namespace
* @external yargsParser
* @see {@link}
* An object returned by a configured `yargs-parser` representing arguments
* @memberof external:yargsParser
* @interface Arguments
* Base yargs parser configuration
* @private
'combine-arrays': true,
'short-option-groups': false,
'dot-notation': false
* This is the config pulled from the `yargs` property of Mocha's
* `package.json`, but it also disables camel case expansion as to
* avoid outputting non-canonical keynames, as we need to do some
* lookups.
* @private
* @ignore
const configuration = Object.assign({}, YARGS_PARSER_CONFIG, {
'camel-case-expansion': false
* This is a really fancy way to:
* - `array`-type options: ensure unique values and evtl. split comma-delimited lists
* - `boolean`/`number`/`string`- options: use last element when given multiple times
* This is passed as the `coerce` option to `yargs-parser`
* @private
* @ignore
const globOptions = ['spec', 'ignore'];
const coerceOpts = Object.assign(
(acc, arg) =>
Object.assign(acc, {
[arg]: v => Array.from(new Set(globOptions.includes(arg) ? v : list(v)))
.concat(types.string, types.number)
(acc, arg) =>
Object.assign(acc, {[arg]: v => (Array.isArray(v) ? v.pop() : v)}),
* We do not have a case when multiple arguments are ever allowed after a flag
* (e.g., `--foo bar baz quux`), so we fix the number of arguments to 1 across
* the board of non-boolean options.
* This is passed as the `narg` option to `yargs-parser`
* @private
* @ignore
const nargOpts = types.array
.concat(types.string, types.number)
.reduce((acc, arg) => Object.assign(acc, {[arg]: 1}), {});
* Wrapper around `yargs-parser` which applies our settings
* @param {string|string[]} args - Arguments to parse
* @param {Object} defaultValues - Default values of mocharc.json
* @param {...Object} configObjects - `configObjects` for yargs-parser
* @private
* @ignore
const parse = (args = [], defaultValues = {}, ...configObjects) => {
// save node-specific args for special handling.
// 1. when these args have a "=" they should be considered to have values
// 2. if they don't, they just boolean flags
// 3. to avoid explicitly defining the set of them, we tell yargs-parser they
// are ALL boolean flags.
// 4. we can then reapply the values after yargs-parser is done.
const nodeArgs = (Array.isArray(args) ? args : args.split(' ')).reduce(
(acc, arg) => {
const pair = arg.split('=');
let flag = pair[0];
if (isNodeFlag(flag, false)) {
flag = flag.replace(/^--?/, '');
return arg.includes('=')
? acc.concat([[flag, pair[1]]])
: acc.concat([[flag, true]]);
return acc;
const result = yargsParser.detailed(args, {
default: defaultValues,
coerce: coerceOpts,
narg: nargOpts,
alias: aliases,
string: types.string,
array: types.array,
number: types.number,
boolean: types.boolean.concat( => pair[0]))
if (result.error) {
console.error(`Error: ${result.error.message}`));
// reapply "=" arg values from above
nodeArgs.forEach(([key, value]) => {
result.argv[key] = value;
return result.argv;
* Given path to config file in `args.config`, attempt to load & parse config file.
* @param {Object} [args] - Arguments object
* @param {string|boolean} [args.config] - Path to config file or `false` to skip
* @public
* @alias module:lib/cli.loadRc
* @returns {external:yargsParser.Arguments|void} Parsed config, or nothing if `args.config` is `false`
const loadRc = (args = {}) => {
if (args.config !== false) {
const config = args.config || findConfig();
return config ? loadConfig(config) : {};
module.exports.loadRc = loadRc;
* Given path to `package.json` in `args.package`, attempt to load config from `mocha` prop.
* @param {Object} [args] - Arguments object
* @param {string|boolean} [args.config] - Path to `package.json` or `false` to skip
* @public
* @alias module:lib/cli.loadPkgRc
* @returns {external:yargsParser.Arguments|void} Parsed config, or nothing if `args.package` is `false`
const loadPkgRc = (args = {}) => {
let result;
if (args.package === false) {
return result;
result = {};
const filepath = args.package || findUp.sync(mocharc.package);
if (filepath) {
try {
const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'));
if (pkg.mocha) {
debug('`mocha` prop of package.json parsed: %O', pkg.mocha);
result = pkg.mocha;
} else {
debug('no config found in %s', filepath);
} catch (err) {
if (args.package) {
throw new Error(`Unable to read/parse ${filepath}: ${err}`);
debug('failed to read default package.json at %s; ignoring', filepath);
return result;
module.exports.loadPkgRc = loadPkgRc;
* Priority list:
* 1. Command-line args
* 2. RC file (`.mocharc.c?js`, `.mocharc.ya?ml`, `mocharc.json`)
* 3. `mocha` prop of `package.json`
* 4. default configuration (`lib/mocharc.json`)
* If a {@link module:lib/cli/one-and-dones.ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS "one-and-done" option} is present in the `argv` array, no external config files will be read.
* @summary Parses options read from `.mocharc.*` and `package.json`.
* @param {string|string[]} [argv] - Arguments to parse
* @public
* @alias module:lib/cli.loadOptions
* @returns {external:yargsParser.Arguments} Parsed args from everything
const loadOptions = (argv = []) => {
let args = parse(argv);
// short-circuit: look for a flag that would abort loading of options
if (
(acc, arg) => acc || arg in args,
) {
return args;
const rcConfig = loadRc(args);
const pkgConfig = loadPkgRc(args);
if (rcConfig) {
args.config = false;
args._ = args._.concat(rcConfig._ || []);
if (pkgConfig) {
args.package = false;
args._ = args._.concat(pkgConfig._ || []);
args = parse(args._, mocharc, args, rcConfig || {}, pkgConfig || {});
// recombine positional arguments and "spec"
if (args.spec) {
args._ = args._.concat(args.spec);
delete args.spec;
// make unique
args._ = Array.from(new Set(args._));
return args;
module.exports.loadOptions = loadOptions;