'use strict'; /** * Web Notifications module. * @module Growl */ /** * Save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering (see GH-237). */ var Date = global.Date; var setTimeout = global.setTimeout; var EVENT_RUN_END = require('../runner').constants.EVENT_RUN_END; var isBrowser = require('../utils').isBrowser; /** * Checks if browser notification support exists. * * @public * @see {@link https://caniuse.com/#feat=notifications|Browser support (notifications)} * @see {@link https://caniuse.com/#feat=promises|Browser support (promises)} * @see {@link Mocha#growl} * @see {@link Mocha#isGrowlCapable} * @return {boolean} whether browser notification support exists */ exports.isCapable = function() { var hasNotificationSupport = 'Notification' in window; var hasPromiseSupport = typeof Promise === 'function'; return isBrowser() && hasNotificationSupport && hasPromiseSupport; }; /** * Implements browser notifications as a pseudo-reporter. * * @public * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/notification|Notification API} * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/push-notifications/display-a-notification|Displaying a Notification} * @see {@link Growl#isPermitted} * @see {@link Mocha#_growl} * @param {Runner} runner - Runner instance. */ exports.notify = function(runner) { var promise = isPermitted(); /** * Attempt notification. */ var sendNotification = function() { // If user hasn't responded yet... "No notification for you!" (Seinfeld) Promise.race([promise, Promise.resolve(undefined)]) .then(canNotify) .then(function() { display(runner); }) .catch(notPermitted); }; runner.once(EVENT_RUN_END, sendNotification); }; /** * Checks if browser notification is permitted by user. * * @private * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notification/permission|Notification.permission} * @see {@link Mocha#growl} * @see {@link Mocha#isGrowlPermitted} * @returns {Promise} promise determining if browser notification * permissible when fulfilled. */ function isPermitted() { var permitted = { granted: function allow() { return Promise.resolve(true); }, denied: function deny() { return Promise.resolve(false); }, default: function ask() { return Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) { return permission === 'granted'; }); } }; return permitted[Notification.permission](); } /** * @summary * Determines if notification should proceed. * * @description * Notification shall not proceed unless `value` is true. * * `value` will equal one of: * * * @private * @param {boolean|undefined} value - Determines if notification permissible. * @returns {Promise} Notification can proceed */ function canNotify(value) { if (!value) { var why = value === false ? 'blocked' : 'unacknowledged'; var reason = 'not permitted by user (' + why + ')'; return Promise.reject(new Error(reason)); } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Displays the notification. * * @private * @param {Runner} runner - Runner instance. */ function display(runner) { var stats = runner.stats; var symbol = { cross: '\u274C', tick: '\u2705' }; var logo = require('../../package').notifyLogo; var _message; var message; var title; if (stats.failures) { _message = stats.failures + ' of ' + stats.tests + ' tests failed'; message = symbol.cross + ' ' + _message; title = 'Failed'; } else { _message = stats.passes + ' tests passed in ' + stats.duration + 'ms'; message = symbol.tick + ' ' + _message; title = 'Passed'; } // Send notification var options = { badge: logo, body: message, dir: 'ltr', icon: logo, lang: 'en-US', name: 'mocha', requireInteraction: false, timestamp: Date.now() }; var notification = new Notification(title, options); // Autoclose after brief delay (makes various browsers act same) var FORCE_DURATION = 4000; setTimeout(notification.close.bind(notification), FORCE_DURATION); } /** * As notifications are tangential to our purpose, just log the error. * * @private * @param {Error} err - Why notification didn't happen. */ function notPermitted(err) { console.error('notification error:', err.message); }