diff --git a/apple_mobileconfig.go b/apple_mobileconfig.go index 85df81b..9277713 100644 --- a/apple_mobileconfig.go +++ b/apple_mobileconfig.go @@ -30,14 +30,31 @@ func (h *Headscale) AppleMobileConfig(c *gin.Context) {

curl {{.Url}}/apple/ios

curl {{.Url}}/apple/macos





+ +


- iOS + iOS profile




Headscale can be set to the default server by installing a Headscale configuration profile:

- macOS + macOS profile

+ +
  1. Download the profile, then open it. When it has been opened, there should be a notification that a profile can be installed
  2. +
  3. Open System Preferences and go to "Profiles"
  4. +
  5. Find and install the Headscale profile
  6. +
  7. Restart Tailscale.app and log in
  8. +
+ +



Use your terminal to configure the default setting for Tailscale by issuing:

+ defaults write io.tailscale.ipn.macos ControlURL {{.Url}} + +

Restart Tailscale.app and log in.
