# Running headscale on Linux

## Note: Outdated and "advanced"

This documentation is considered the "legacy"/advanced/manual version of the documentation, you most likely do not
want to use this documentation and rather look at the distro specific documentation (TODO LINK)[].

## Goal

This documentation has the goal of showing a user how-to set up and run `headscale` on Linux.
In additional to the "get up and running section", there is an optional [SystemD section](#running-headscale-in-the-background-with-systemd)
describing how to make `headscale` run properly in a server environment.

## Configure and run `headscale`

1. Download the latest [`headscale` binary from GitHub's release page](https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/releases):

wget --output-document=/usr/local/bin/headscale \
   https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/releases/download/v<HEADSCALE VERSION>/headscale_<HEADSCALE VERSION>_linux_<ARCH>

2. Make `headscale` executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/headscale

3. Prepare a directory to hold `headscale` configuration and the [SQLite](https://www.sqlite.org/) database:

# Directory for configuration

mkdir -p /etc/headscale

# Directory for Database, and other variable data (like certificates)
mkdir -p /var/lib/headscale
# or if you create a headscale user:
useradd \
	--create-home \
	--home-dir /var/lib/headscale/ \
	--system \
	--user-group \
	--shell /usr/bin/nologin \

4. Create an empty SQLite database:

touch /var/lib/headscale/db.sqlite

5. Create a `headscale` configuration:

touch /etc/headscale/config.yaml

**(Strongly Recommended)** Download a copy of the [example configuration][config-example.yaml](https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/blob/main/config-example.yaml) from the headscale repository.

6. Start the headscale server:

headscale serve

This command will start `headscale` in the current terminal session.


To continue the tutorial, open a new terminal and let it run in the background.
Alternatively use terminal emulators like [tmux](https://github.com/tmux/tmux) or [screen](https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/).

To run `headscale` in the background, please follow the steps in the [SystemD section](#running-headscale-in-the-background-with-systemd) before continuing.

7. Verify `headscale` is running:

Verify `headscale` is available:


8. Create a user ([tailnet](https://tailscale.com/kb/1136/tailnet/)):

headscale users create myfirstuser

### Register a machine (normal login)

On a client machine, execute the `tailscale` login command:

tailscale up --login-server YOUR_HEADSCALE_URL

Register the machine:

headscale --user myfirstuser nodes register --key <YOUR_MACHINE_KEY>

### Register machine using a pre authenticated key

Generate a key using the command line:

headscale --user myfirstuser preauthkeys create --reusable --expiration 24h

This will return a pre-authenticated key that can be used to connect a node to `headscale` during the `tailscale` command:

tailscale up --login-server <YOUR_HEADSCALE_URL> --authkey <YOUR_AUTH_KEY>

## Running `headscale` in the background with SystemD

:warning: **Deprecated**: This part is very outdated and you should use the [pre-packaged Headscale for this](./running-headscale-linux.md

This section demonstrates how to run `headscale` as a service in the background with [SystemD](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/).
This should work on most modern Linux distributions.

1. Create a SystemD service configuration at `/etc/systemd/system/headscale.service` containing:

Description=headscale controller

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/headscale serve

# Optional security enhancements
ReadWritePaths=/var/lib/headscale /var/run/headscale


Note that when running as the headscale user ensure that, either you add your current user to the headscale group:

usermod -a -G headscale current_user

or run all headscale commands as the headscale user:

su - headscale

2. In `/etc/headscale/config.yaml`, override the default `headscale` unix socket with path that is writable by the `headscale` user or group:

unix_socket: /var/run/headscale/headscale.sock

3. Reload SystemD to load the new configuration file:

systemctl daemon-reload

4. Enable and start the new `headscale` service:

systemctl enable --now headscale

5. Verify the headscale service:

systemctl status headscale

Verify `headscale` is available:


`headscale` will now run in the background and start at boot.