package util

import (


const (

	// These constants are copied from the upstream
	// library, because they are not exported.

	// nodePublicHexPrefix is the prefix used to identify a
	// hex-encoded node public key.
	// This prefix is used in the control protocol, so cannot be
	// changed.
	nodePublicHexPrefix = "nodekey:"

	// machinePublicHexPrefix is the prefix used to identify a
	// hex-encoded machine public key.
	// This prefix is used in the control protocol, so cannot be
	// changed.
	machinePublicHexPrefix = "mkey:"

	// discoPublicHexPrefix is the prefix used to identify a
	// hex-encoded disco public key.
	// This prefix is used in the control protocol, so cannot be
	// changed.
	discoPublicHexPrefix = "discokey:"

	// privateKey prefix.
	privateHexPrefix = "privkey:"

	PermissionFallback = 0o700

	ZstdCompression = "zstd"

var (
	NodePublicKeyRegex       = regexp.MustCompile("nodekey:[a-fA-F0-9]+")
	ErrCannotDecryptResponse = errors.New("cannot decrypt response")

func MachinePublicKeyStripPrefix(machineKey key.MachinePublic) string {
	return strings.TrimPrefix(machineKey.String(), machinePublicHexPrefix)

func NodePublicKeyStripPrefix(nodeKey key.NodePublic) string {
	return strings.TrimPrefix(nodeKey.String(), nodePublicHexPrefix)

func DiscoPublicKeyStripPrefix(discoKey key.DiscoPublic) string {
	return strings.TrimPrefix(discoKey.String(), discoPublicHexPrefix)

func MachinePublicKeyEnsurePrefix(machineKey string) string {
	if !strings.HasPrefix(machineKey, machinePublicHexPrefix) {
		return machinePublicHexPrefix + machineKey

	return machineKey

func NodePublicKeyEnsurePrefix(nodeKey string) string {
	if !strings.HasPrefix(nodeKey, nodePublicHexPrefix) {
		return nodePublicHexPrefix + nodeKey

	return nodeKey

func DiscoPublicKeyEnsurePrefix(discoKey string) string {
	if !strings.HasPrefix(discoKey, discoPublicHexPrefix) {
		return discoPublicHexPrefix + discoKey

	return discoKey

func PrivateKeyEnsurePrefix(privateKey string) string {
	if !strings.HasPrefix(privateKey, privateHexPrefix) {
		return privateHexPrefix + privateKey

	return privateKey

func DecodeAndUnmarshalNaCl(
	msg []byte,
	output interface{},
	pubKey *key.MachinePublic,
	privKey *key.MachinePrivate,
) error {
	// log.Trace().
	// 	Str("pubkey", pubKey.ShortString()).
	// 	Int("length", len(msg)).
	// 	Msg("Trying to decrypt")

	decrypted, ok := privKey.OpenFrom(*pubKey, msg)
	if !ok {
		return ErrCannotDecryptResponse

	if err := json.Unmarshal(decrypted, output); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil