2020-07-30 12:05:11 +02:00
Copyright ( C ) 2020 Yarmo Mackenbach
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option )
any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
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2020-07-02 02:36:15 +02:00
< ? php $this -> layout ( 'template.base' , [ 'title' => $title ]) ?>
< div class = " content " >
2020-07-11 19:33:56 +02:00
< h1 > FAQ </ h1 >
2020-07-02 02:36:15 +02:00
< h3 id = " what-is-keyoxide " >< a href = " #what-is-keyoxide " > #</a> What is Keyoxide?</h3>
2020-07-05 01:43:03 +09:30
< p >< a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > is a lightweight and FOSS solution to make basic cryptography operations accessible to regular humans . It is built to be privacy friendly and secure , it can even be self - hosted .</ p >
2020-07-02 02:36:15 +02:00
< h3 id = " why-does-keyoxide-exist " >< a href = " #why-does-keyoxide-exist " > #</a> Why does Keyoxide exist?</h3>
< p >< a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > provides a solution to a modern problem : we humans have developed advanced methods of encrypting data and signing it . Unfortunately , it requires complicated tools that demand a minimal level of understanding cryptography and how keypairs work to leverage these technologies .</ p >
< p > Sadly , this means that true privacy and secrecy in this modern age of surveillance capitalism is reserved to a subset of the world population .</ p >
< p > Luckily , there is one thing we can do . Some cryptographic operations are more accessible than others and less prone to leaking private data . By building a service around only those operations , we hope a wider general audience can benefit from modern cryptography .</ p >
< h3 id = " what-cryptographic-operations-can-keyoxide-handle " >< a href = " #what-cryptographic-operations-can-keyoxide-handle " > #</a> What cryptographic operations can Keyoxide handle?</h3>
< p >< a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > can : < a href = " /verify " > verify signatures </ a > and < a href = " /encrypt " > encrypt messages </ a >.< br >< a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > can ' t : sign messages or decrypt messages .</ p >
< h3 id = " why-so-few-cryptographic-operations " >< a href = " #why-so-few-cryptographic-operations " > #</a> Why so few cryptographic operations?</h3>
< p > Good question . First , what cryptographic operations are generally available ? There ' s < strong > encryption </ strong > and its counterpart , < strong > decryption </ strong > , but also < strong > signing </ strong > and its counterpart , < strong > signature verification </ strong >.</ p >
< p >< strong > Decryption </ strong > and < strong > signing </ strong > require private keys . < strong > Encryption </ strong > and < strong > signature verification </ strong > only require public keys .</ p >
< p > If you happen to be in possession of a private key , there is one thing you should know : that key is private ! It shouldn ' t leave your computer and most certainly should never be uploaded to any website !</ p >
< p > So yes , alternative services may offer more cryptographic operations but at the highest cost of surrendering your private keys to servers you generally shouldn ' t trust and companies that may be under geopolitical influence .</ p >
< p >< a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > offers a simple solution to the trust issue : we don 't want your keys, therefore you don' t even need to trust us . Everything that this service offers is possible thanks to publicly available keys .</ p >
< h3 id = " how-does-keyoxide-work-without-keys " >< a href = " #how-does-keyoxide-work-without-keys " > #</a> How does Keyoxide work without keys?</h3>
< p > We still need keys , of course , but only the harmless public keys . And yes , we could have built a website where one can make an account and upload public keys , in a similar fashion as alternative services .</ p >
< p > But why would we ? There ' s already an entire infrastructure out there in the form of websites that host their own keys ( plaintext or web key directory ) or dedicated " HTTP Key Protocol " or HKP servers , designed specifically for public key hosting . Why reinvent the wheel ? </ p >
< h3 id = " how-is-this-privacy-friendly-and-secure " >< a href = " #how-is-this-privacy-friendly-and-secure " > #</a> How is this privacy friendly and secure?</h3>
< p > You can 't make an account on <a href="/">Keyoxide</a> because for basic cryptographic operations, we don' t need your data or your keys . By not knowing anything about you or using any trackers , this is as privacy - friendly as it gets .</ p >
2020-07-04 15:44:48 +02:00
< p > As for secure , < a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > does all the cryptographic processing on your device and never sends data to the server . It also doesn ' t use private keys for any operation ( so make sure to never upload those anywhere ) .</ p >
2020-07-02 02:36:15 +02:00
< h3 id = " how-can-i-make-an-account " >< a href = " #how-can-i-make-an-account " > #</a> How can I make an account?</h3>
2020-07-27 21:24:14 +02:00
< p > Well , you can 't and that is the whole point of <a href="/">Keyoxide</a>. We don' t want your data or your keys . Uploading your keys and / or data to our servers is never required for any of the operations provided by < a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a >.</ p >
2020-07-02 02:36:15 +02:00
< h3 id = " can-i-get-a-sweet-profile-page " >< a href = " #can-i-get-a-sweet-profile-page " > #</a> Can I get a sweet profile page?</h3>
< p > That , we can help you with ! Just append your fingerprint to the domain ( like so : < a href = " https://keyoxide.org/9F0048AC0B23301E1F77E994909F6BD6F80F485D " > https :// keyoxide . org / 9 F0048AC0B23301E1F77E994909F6BD6F80F485D </ a > ) to generate a profile page .</ p >
< h3 id = " where-is-the-app " >< a href = " #where-is-the-app " > #</a> Where is the app?</h3>
< p > There ' s no app . Why would you want yet another app for what is essentially just a form with a big blue button ? </ p >
< h3 id = " where-do-i-put-my-private-key " >< a href = " #where-do-i-put-my-private-key " > #</a> Where do I put my private key?</h3>
< p >< strong > DON 'T</strong>! We don' t want it !</ p >
< p > Alternative services may ask you for your private keys so that they can offer additional functionality . Please understand that your private key is yours and ONLY yours . You should never upload it to any online service , in fact it should never leave your computer .</ p >
< h3 id = " what-is-the-use-if-i-can't-decrypt-or-sign-messages " >< a href = " #what-is-the-use-if-i-can't-decrypt-or-sign-messages " > #</a> What is the use if I can't decrypt or sign messages?</h3>
< p > If you want to be on the receiving end of securely encrypted messages , you should either learn the basics of modern cryptography and know your way around your computer ' s command line or switch to end - to - end encrypted instant messaging providers .</ p >
< p > Simply put , if you have private keys , you probably won ' t be using < a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a >. You will benefit from using command line tools or GUIs like < a href = " https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/ " > Kleopatra </ a >.</ p >
< p >< a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > is designed for those without extensive knowledge about cryptography and who wish to encrypt messages to , or verify the authenticity of messages coming from the people with that extensive knowledge .</ p >
< h3 id = " but-other-services-provide-a-social-network-function " >< a href = " #but-other-services-provide-a-social-network-function " > #</a> But other services provide a social network function!</h3>
< p > It doesn ' t need to be centralized to have a " social network " function . < a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > simply uses the already existing " social network " of websites hosting their own keys and servers dedicated to hosting large amounts of keys .</ p >
< h3 id = " pgp-must-die " >< a href = " #pgp-must-die " > #</a> PGP must die!</h3>
< p > Not a question but we get your point . While there are < a href = " https://restoreprivacy.com/let-pgp-die/ " > legitimate reasons PGP should cease to exist </ a > , it is still widely used and without any clear sign of imminent extinction , it needs proper tooling .</ p >
< p > It should be noted that while PGP can indeed be harmful when applied to email encryption , there are other legitimate ways of leveraging PGP to encrypt and / or sign messages .</ p >
< p > That being said , < a href = " / " > Keyoxide </ a > aims to integrate different cryptographic technologies and therefore ease the transition away from PGP .</ p >
< h3 id = " what-is-on-the-roadmap " >< a href = " #what-is-on-the-roadmap " > #</a> What is on the roadmap?</h3>
< ul >
< li > Support more decentralized proofs </ li >
< li > Write more guides </ li >
< li > Integrate other encryption programs </ li >
</ ul >
</ div >