Keyoxide lets you know the signature was verified and signed by a certain person.
## Verify the signature against a specific public key
Sometimes, you want to know if a specific person or public key was used to create a signature. In this case, let's figure out if the message was signed by Yarmo's public key or his friend Wiktor's public key.
Copy the following fingerprint:
Paste it in the **Email / key id / fingerprint** field under **Public Key (3: HKP server)** and press the big button again. It could not be verified. Guess it wasn't Wiktor who signed that message.
Now, copy the following fingerprint:
Paste it in the same field and press the big button again. It did verify! It was Yarmo all along.
## Going further
You could try using different mechanisms of fetching keys, such as **web key directory** or copy-pasting a plaintext public key.
If you'd like to sign messages using PGP, you must first learn the fundamentals of PGP and how to generate and handle your own keypair.