<p>Open the <ahref="/verify"target="_blank">keyoxide.org/verify</a> page and paste the signature in the corresponding field. Scroll down and press the <strong>VERIFY SIGNATURE</strong> button.</p>
<p>Keyoxide lets you know the signature was verified and signed by a certain person.</p>
<h3>Verify the signature against a specific public key</h3>
<p>Sometimes, you want to know if a specific person or public key was used to create a signature. In this case, let's figure out if the message was signed by Yarmo's public key or his friend Wiktor's public key.</p>
<p>Paste it in the <strong>Email / key id / fingerprint</strong> field under <strong>Public Key (3: HKP server)</strong> and press the big button again. It could not be verified. Guess it wasn't Wiktor who signed that message.</p>