2020-08-08 09:20:33 +02:00
extends ../template.base.pug
block content
h1 Web Key Directory generator
| This tool computes the part of the WKD URL that corresponds to the username when
2020-08-14 14:53:49 +02:00
a(href='/guides/web-key-directory') uploading keys using web key directory
2020-08-08 09:20:33 +02:00
| .
| If you enter the entire WKD identifier (username@domain.org), this tool will also generate the complete URLs.
h3 Input
input#input(type='text' name='input' placeholder='WKD username or identifier' value=input)
h3 Output
h4 Local part
code#output.full-width Waiting for input...
h4 Direct URL
code#output_url_direct.full-width Waiting for input...
h4 Advanced URL
code#output_url_advanced.full-width Waiting for input...