2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
/ *
Copyright ( C ) 2021 Yarmo Mackenbach
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option )
any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
with this program . If not , see < https : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail .
If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer network ,
you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to get its source .
For example , if your program is a web application , its interface could display
a "Source" link that leads users to an archive of the code . There are many
ways you could offer source , and different solutions will be better for different
programs ; see section 13 for the specific requirements .
You should also get your employer ( if you work as a programmer ) or school ,
if any , to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program , if necessary . For
more information on this , and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL , see < https : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
import QRCode from 'qrcode'
import * as openpgp from 'openpgp'
2022-02-27 22:59:17 +01:00
import * as utils from './utils.js'
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
// Prepare element selectors
const elFormSignatureProfile = document . body . querySelector ( "#formGenerateSignatureProfile" )
const elFormEncrypt = document . body . querySelector ( "#dialog--encryptMessage form" )
const elFormVerify = document . body . querySelector ( "#dialog--verifySignature form" )
const elFormSearch = document . body . querySelector ( "#search" )
const elUtilWKD = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-wkd" )
const elUtilQRFP = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-qrfp" )
const elUtilQR = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-qr" )
const elUtilProfileURL = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-profile-url" )
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
const elUtilArgon2Generation = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-argon2-generate" )
const elUtilArgon2Verification = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-argon2-verify" )
const elUtilBcryptGeneration = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-bcrypt-generate" )
const elUtilBcryptVerification = document . body . querySelector ( "#form-util-bcrypt-verify" )
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
// Initialize UI elements and event listeners
export function init ( ) {
// Run context-dependent scripts
if ( elFormEncrypt ) {
runEncryptionForm ( )
if ( elFormVerify ) {
runVerificationForm ( )
if ( elFormSearch ) {
runSearchForm ( )
if ( elUtilWKD ) {
runWKDUtility ( )
if ( elUtilQRFP ) {
runQRFPUtility ( )
if ( elUtilQR ) {
2022-02-26 15:17:03 +01:00
runQRUtility ( )
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
if ( elUtilProfileURL ) {
2022-02-26 15:17:03 +01:00
runProfileURLUtility ( )
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
if ( elUtilArgon2Generation ) {
runArgon2GenerationUtility ( )
if ( elUtilArgon2Verification ) {
runArgon2VerificationUtility ( )
if ( elUtilBcryptGeneration ) {
runBcryptGenerationUtility ( )
if ( elUtilBcryptVerification ) {
runBcryptVerificationUtility ( )
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
const runEncryptionForm = ( ) => {
elFormEncrypt . onsubmit = async function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
try {
// Fetch a key if needed
await utils . fetchProfileKey ( ) ;
// Encrypt the message
let config = openpgp . config ;
config . show _comment = false ;
config . show _version = false ;
let encrypted = await openpgp . encrypt ( {
2022-02-26 09:00:48 +01:00
message : await openpgp . createMessage ( {
text : elFormEncrypt . querySelector ( '.input' ) . value
} ) ,
encryptionKeys : window . kx . key . object ,
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
config : config
} ) ;
2022-02-26 09:00:48 +01:00
elFormEncrypt . querySelector ( '.output' ) . value = encrypted ;
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( e ) ;
elFormEncrypt . querySelector ( '.output' ) . value = ` Could not encrypt message! \n ========================== \n ${ e . message ? e . message : e } ` ;
const runVerificationForm = ( ) => {
elFormVerify . onsubmit = async function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
try {
// Fetch a key if needed
await utils . fetchProfileKey ( ) ;
// Try two different methods of signature reading
let signature = null , verified = null , readError = null ;
try {
2022-02-26 09:27:49 +01:00
signature = await openpgp . readMessage ( {
2022-02-26 09:00:48 +01:00
armoredMessage : elFormVerify . querySelector ( '.input' ) . value
} ) ;
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
} catch ( e ) {
2022-02-26 09:00:48 +01:00
try {
2022-02-26 09:27:49 +01:00
signature = await openpgp . readCleartextMessage ( {
cleartextMessage : elFormVerify . querySelector ( '.input' ) . value
2022-02-26 09:00:48 +01:00
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
readError = e ;
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
if ( signature == null ) { throw ( readError ) } ;
// Verify the signature
verified = await openpgp . verify ( {
message : signature ,
2022-02-26 09:00:48 +01:00
verificationKeys : window . kx . key . object
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
} ) ;
2022-02-26 09:27:49 +01:00
if ( await verified . signatures [ 0 ] . verified ) {
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
elFormVerify . querySelector ( '.output' ) . value = ` The message was signed by the profile's key. ` ;
} else {
elFormVerify . querySelector ( '.output' ) . value = ` The message was NOT signed by the profile's key. ` ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( e ) ;
elFormVerify . querySelector ( '.output' ) . value = ` Could not verify signature! \n =========================== \n ${ e . message ? e . message : e } ` ;
const runSearchForm = ( ) => {
elFormSearch . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const identifier = elFormSearch . querySelector ( "input[type='search']" ) . value ;
2023-02-26 15:05:48 +01:00
window . location . href = ` / ${ encodeURIComponent ( identifier ) } ` ;
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
elFormSearch . querySelectorAll ( "input[type='radio']" ) . forEach ( function ( el ) {
el . oninput = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( evt . target . getAttribute ( 'id' ) === 'protocol-sig' ) {
elFormSearch . querySelector ( "input[type='search']" ) . setAttribute ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
} else {
elFormSearch . querySelector ( "input[type='search']" ) . removeAttribute ( 'disabled' ) ;
} ) ;
elFormSearch . querySelector ( "input[type='radio']:checked" ) . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( 'input' ) ) ;
const runWKDUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilWKD . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const elInput = document . body . querySelector ( "#input" ) ;
const elOutput = document . body . querySelector ( "#output" ) ;
const elOutputDirect = document . body . querySelector ( "#output_url_direct" ) ;
const elOutputAdvanced = document . body . querySelector ( "#output_url_advanced" ) ;
let match ;
elInput . addEventListener ( "input" , async function ( evt ) {
if ( evt . target . value ) {
if ( /(.*)@(.{1,}\..{1,})/ . test ( evt . target . value ) ) {
match = evt . target . value . match ( /(.*)@(.*)/ ) ;
elOutput . innerText = await utils . computeWKDLocalPart ( match [ 1 ] ) ;
elOutputDirect . innerText = ` https:// ${ match [ 2 ] } /.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/ ${ elOutput . innerText } ?l= ${ match [ 1 ] } ` ;
elOutputAdvanced . innerText = ` https://openpgpkey. ${ match [ 2 ] } /.well-known/openpgpkey/ ${ match [ 2 ] } /hu/ ${ elOutput . innerText } ?l= ${ match [ 1 ] } ` ;
} else {
elOutput . innerText = await utils . computeWKDLocalPart ( evt . target . value ) ;
elOutputDirect . innerText = "Waiting for input" ;
elOutputAdvanced . innerText = "Waiting for input" ;
} else {
elOutput . innerText = "Waiting for input" ;
elOutputDirect . innerText = "Waiting for input" ;
elOutputAdvanced . innerText = "Waiting for input" ;
} ) ;
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
const runQRFPUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilQRFP . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const qrTarget = document . getElementById ( 'qrcode' ) ;
const qrContext = qrTarget . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
const qrOpts = {
errorCorrectionLevel : 'H' ,
margin : 1 ,
width : 256 ,
height : 256
} ;
const elInput = document . body . querySelector ( "#input" ) ;
elInput . addEventListener ( "input" , async function ( evt ) {
if ( evt . target . value ) {
QRCode . toCanvas ( qrTarget , evt . target . value , qrOpts , function ( error ) {
if ( error ) {
qrContext . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , qrTarget . width , qrTarget . height ) ;
console . error ( error ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
qrContext . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , qrTarget . width , qrTarget . height ) ;
} ) ;
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
const runQRUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilQR . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const qrTarget = document . getElementById ( 'qrcode' ) ;
const qrContext = qrTarget . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
const qrOpts = {
errorCorrectionLevel : 'L' ,
margin : 1 ,
width : 256 ,
height : 256
} ;
const elInput = document . body . querySelector ( "#input" ) ;
if ( elInput . innerText ) {
elInput . innerText = decodeURIComponent ( elInput . innerText ) ;
QRCode . toCanvas ( qrTarget , elInput . innerText , qrOpts , function ( error ) {
if ( error ) {
document . body . querySelector ( "#qrcode--altLink" ) . href = "#" ;
qrContext . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , qrTarget . width , qrTarget . height ) ;
console . error ( error ) ;
} else {
document . body . querySelector ( "#qrcode--altLink" ) . href = elInput . innerText ;
} ) ;
} else {
qrContext . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , qrTarget . width , qrTarget . height ) ;
const runProfileURLUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilProfileURL . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const elInput = document . body . querySelector ( "#input" ) ,
elSource = document . body . querySelector ( "#source" ) ,
elOutput = document . body . querySelector ( "#output" ) ;
let data = {
input : elInput . value ,
source : elSource . value
} ;
elInput . addEventListener ( "input" , async function ( evt ) {
data = {
input : elInput . value ,
source : elSource . value
} ;
elOutput . innerText = await utils . generateProfileURL ( data ) ;
} ) ;
elSource . addEventListener ( "input" , async function ( evt ) {
data = {
input : elInput . value ,
source : elSource . value
} ;
elOutput . innerText = await utils . generateProfileURL ( data ) ;
} ) ;
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
const runArgon2GenerationUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilArgon2Generation . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const elInput = elUtilArgon2Generation . querySelector ( ".input" ) ,
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
elOutput = elUtilArgon2Generation . querySelector ( ".output" ) ,
elFeedback = elUtilArgon2Generation . querySelector ( ".feedback" ) ;
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
elInput . addEventListener ( "input" , async function ( evt ) {
elOutput . innerText = await utils . generateArgon2Hash ( elInput . value ) ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
if ( elInput . value == "" ) {
elFeedback . innerHTML = "" ;
} else {
let feedbackContent = "" ;
2023-09-22 10:22:35 +02:00
if ( ! ( /[openpgp4fpr|aspe]:[0-9a-zA-Z]+/ . test ( elInput . value ) ) ) {
feedbackContent += "❗ Valid OpenPGP proofs must begin with <strong>openpgp4fpr:</strong>. <button class='inline' onclick='window.kx__fixArgon2Input();'>Fix now</button><br>" ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
if ( ! ( elInput . value === elInput . value . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) {
feedbackContent += "❗ Valid proofs must be lowercase. <button class='inline' onclick='window.kx__fixArgon2Input();'>Fix now</button><br>" ;
elFeedback . innerHTML = feedbackContent ;
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
} ) ;
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
const runArgon2VerificationUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilArgon2Verification . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const elInput = elUtilArgon2Verification . querySelector ( ".input" ) ,
elHash = elUtilArgon2Verification . querySelector ( ".hash" ) ,
elOutput = elUtilArgon2Verification . querySelector ( ".output" ) ;
const onInput = async function ( evt ) {
if ( elInput . value && elHash . value ) {
elOutput . innerText = await utils . verifyArgon2Hash ( elInput . value , elHash . value )
? "✅ Hash matches the input"
: "❌ Hash does not match the input" ;
} else {
elOutput . innerText = "Waiting for input…"
elInput . addEventListener ( "input" , onInput ) ;
elHash . addEventListener ( "input" , onInput ) ;
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
window . kx _ _fixArgon2Input = ( ) => {
const elInput = document . querySelector ( '#form-util-argon2-generate .input' ) ;
2022-10-05 11:38:39 +02:00
elInput . value = elInput . value . toLowerCase ( ) ;
2023-09-22 10:22:35 +02:00
if ( ! ( /[openpgp4fpr|aspe]:[0-9a-zA-Z]+/ . test ( elInput . value ) ) ) {
2022-10-05 11:38:39 +02:00
elInput . value = ` openpgp4fpr: ${ elInput . value } ` ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
const runBcryptGenerationUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilBcryptGeneration . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const elInput = elUtilBcryptGeneration . querySelector ( ".input" ) ,
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
elOutput = elUtilBcryptGeneration . querySelector ( ".output" ) ,
elFeedback = elUtilBcryptGeneration . querySelector ( ".feedback" ) ;
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
elInput . addEventListener ( "input" , async function ( evt ) {
elOutput . innerText = await utils . generateBcryptHash ( elInput . value ) ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
if ( elInput . value == "" ) {
elFeedback . innerHTML = "" ;
} else {
let feedbackContent = "" ;
2023-09-22 10:22:35 +02:00
if ( ! ( /[openpgp4fpr|aspe]:[0-9a-zA-Z]+/ . test ( elInput . value ) ) ) {
feedbackContent += "❗ Valid OpenPGP proofs must begin with <strong>openpgp4fpr:</strong>. <button class='inline' onclick='window.kx__fixBcryptInput();'>Fix now</button><br>" ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
if ( ! ( elInput . value === elInput . value . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) {
feedbackContent += "❗ Valid proofs must be lowercase. <button class='inline' onclick='window.kx__fixBcryptInput();'>Fix now</button><br>" ;
elFeedback . innerHTML = feedbackContent ;
2022-09-28 13:08:12 +02:00
} ) ;
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
const runBcryptVerificationUtility = ( ) => {
elUtilBcryptVerification . onsubmit = function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
const elInput = elUtilBcryptVerification . querySelector ( ".input" ) ,
elHash = elUtilBcryptVerification . querySelector ( ".hash" ) ,
elOutput = elUtilBcryptVerification . querySelector ( ".output" ) ;
const onInput = async function ( evt ) {
if ( elInput . value && elHash . value ) {
elOutput . innerText = await utils . verifyBcryptHash ( elInput . value , elHash . value )
? "✅ Hash matches the input"
: "❌ Hash does not match the input" ;
} else {
elOutput . innerText = "Waiting for input…"
elInput . addEventListener ( "input" , onInput ) ;
elHash . addEventListener ( "input" , onInput ) ;
2022-02-25 19:18:46 +01:00
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
window . kx _ _fixBcryptInput = ( ) => {
const elInput = document . querySelector ( '#form-util-bcrypt-generate .input' ) ;
2022-10-05 11:38:39 +02:00
elInput . value = elInput . value . toLowerCase ( ) ;
2023-09-22 10:22:35 +02:00
if ( ! ( /[openpgp4fpr|aspe]:[0-9a-zA-Z]+/ . test ( elInput . value ) ) ) {
2022-10-05 11:38:39 +02:00
elInput . value = ` openpgp4fpr: ${ elInput . value } ` ;
2022-10-05 10:52:30 +02:00
elInput . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;