extends ../templates/base.pug block content section h1 Web Key Directory URL generator form#form-util-wkd(method='post') p | This tool computes the part of the WKD URL that corresponds to the username when a(href='https://docs.keyoxide.org/web-key-directory') uploading keys using web key directory | . p | If you enter the entire WKD identifier (username@domain.org), this tool will also generate the complete URLs. p | Please note that Keyoxide does not add the "?l=…" when performing WKD requests. Make sure that the "l" parameter is optional when implementing WKD on your own server. h3 Input input#input(type='text' name='input' placeholder='WKD username or identifier' value=input) h3 Output h4 Local part pre code#output.full-width Waiting for input… h4 Direct URL pre code#output_url_direct.full-width Waiting for input… h4 Advanced URL pre code#output_url_advanced.full-width Waiting for input…