# Adding a DNS proof Let's add a decentralized DNS proof to your OpenPGP keys. [[toc]] ## Update DNS records for your website Add the following TXT record to the DNS records of the (sub)domain you want to prove control over (make sure to replace FINGERPRINT): `openpgp4fpr:FINGERPRINT` No specific TTL value is required. ## Update the PGP key First, edit the key (make sure to replace FINGERPRINT): `gpg --edit-key FINGERPRINT` Add a new notation: `notation` Enter the notation (make sure to replace DOMAIN, don't include https://): `proof@metacode.biz=dns:DOMAIN?type=TXT` Save the key: `save` Upload the key to WKD or use the following command to upload the key to [keys.openpgp.org](https://keys.openpgp.org) (make sure to replace FINGERPRINT): `gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --send-keys FINGERPRINT`