extends templates/base.pug block js //- script(type='application/javascript' src='/static/dialog-polyfill.js' charset='utf-8') script(type='application/javascript' src='/static/openpgp.min.js' charset='utf-8') script(type='application/javascript' src='/static/doip.js' charset='utf-8') script(type='application/javascript' src='/static/kx-claim.js' charset='utf-8') block content .demo.narrow kx-claim(data-claim= demoData) if highlights.length > 0 h2 Highlights .hcards.hcards--highlights each hl in highlights .card.card--small-profile p.name= hl.name p span.fingerprint= hl.fingerprint br span.details= hl.description .spacer p a(href=`/${hl.fingerprint}`) View profile - var n = 0 while n < 3-highlights.length .card.card--small-profile-dummy - n++ h2 About Keyoxide .hcards.hcards--features.hcards--max-3 .card h3 Online identity p Establish an identity by verifiably linking your online accounts. .card h3 Decentralized p No central server or database. Control how your data is stored and accessed. .card h3 Privacy p No data is collected. Your data is yours and yours only. .card h3 Cryptography p Your online identity verifiably signed with widely-used OpenPGP. .card h3 Open Source p All Keyoxide projects are licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later. .card h3 Transparent funding p Funded by donations. Keyoxide stands against VC and surveillance capitalism. h2 Links .hcards .card h3 Getting started p a(href='/about') About Keyoxide br a(href='/getting-started') Getting started br a(href='/guides') Guides br a(href='/faq') FAQ .card h3 Utilities p a(href='/util/profile-url') Profile URL generator br a(href='/util/wkd') Web Key Directory URL generator br a(href='/util/qrfp') Fingerprint QR generator