<p>Keyoxide is more than this website. It's a project that aims to make cryptography more accessible to everyone. Keyoxide is part of a larger community of people working hard to develop tools that add privacy and security to our digital online lives. Remember: privacy is not a luxury.</p> <h3>As a developer</h3> <p>As Keyoxide is an open-source project licensed under the permissive <a href="https://codeberg.org/keyoxide/web/src/branch/main/LICENSE">MIT License</a>, everyone is welcome and encouraged to contribute. This can be done in various forms:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://codeberg.org/keyoxide/web/issues">Open an issue</a> to request changes, new features or simply get help.</li> <li><a href="https://codeberg.org/keyoxide/web/pulls">Open a PR</a> to directly integrate your own changes and new features.</li> </ul> <h3>Not a developer?</h3> <p>Not a developer? Not a problem? You could:</p> <ul> <li>Learn more about the importance of online privacy and security and advocate for it (much needed!)</li> <li>Write guides for others and help each other out.</li> <li>Start using decentralized OpenPGP identity keys.</li> <li>Spread the word about Keyoxide and OpenPGP keys in general.</li> <li>Talk to persons you know using siloed or closed-source alternatives to Keyoxide.</li> </ul>